The Alphabetical List of Officers and Men of the Frigate Confederacy (1781) is derived from the Account Book and Roll of the Continental Ship Confederacy, June 1780-March 1781, item 629 located in Record Group 45 at the National Archives. A note inside the ledger indicates it was discovered at Princeton University in 1930 and presented to the Navy Department. The history of the ledger is quite fascinating in itself. According to an article in Volume 31 of the “Princeton Alumni Weekly” from that year, the Continental Navy ledger was found in the College library with about half of its several hundred pages filled with names of book borrowers beginning in 1819. Apparently, “the hard-pressed College authorities, seeing its usefulness, appropriated it to record the circulation of the college library.” These pages of Princeton history have since been removed from the bound ledger now in the National Archives. As to how the ledger came to be at Princeton the article hypothesizes, “the most reasonable explanation of the books subsequent appearance in the library of the College of New Jersey is that it was brought here when Congress, driven from Philadelphia by a mutiny of unpaid soldiers, spent the summer of 1783 in Princeton, holding its meeting in Nassau Hall. It is known that the College library room, at present the office of the Graduate Council, was where Congress met.” The article also noted, “In the book was found a scrap of paper with ‘These men came on board’ and ten names scribbled on it…It is known that at about the date mentioned on the scrap of paper ten men were impressed by the Confederacy.” This document is no longer with the ledger. The list was transcribed by Joseph Ross in 2009 and has been annotated to include position on the ship if known and offers alternate spellings of names (in parenthesis) to assist internet browsing.
James Adams
John Aitkins
William Anderson
Joseph Arther
John Baker
Joseph Baker *
William Barber
Joseph Bartram, Midshipman
Ivory Bassett
John Becket
Benjamin Beebe*
Benjamin Been
Gurdon Bill,* Captain of Marines
Benjamin Bonnel
Peter Bowers
John Brady
Michael Brady
Jesse Breed, Midshipman
William Brimmer
John Brookfield
Aaron Brooks
Charles Brooks,* Seaman
Merrit Brown
Thomas Brown
James Bryan
John Bryan
Joshua Buffum
Ichabod Burnham
Allexander Burt
Allexander Campbell
Philip Carney, Marine
John Carrol
Thomas Carleton
John Cary
William Cassidy
Britton Chapman
Elnathan Chatfield
Henry Christie
Richard Clark
Walter Clark
Jesse Clavenger
Edward Cleaveland*
Ignatius M. Clements
John Cloud
Samuel Coal
John Cohauling
Thomas Collet
James Collins
John Collins
Thomas Condon
John Conley
Robert Conner
Benjamin Corter
James Creighton
William Crispin
Levi Culver*
James Daily
Samuel Davis
Thomas Davis
Michael Denny
James Deverix
Paul Doane, Seaman
Eliezer Dorley, Gunner
Anthony Dorsey
Nathan Dorsey, Surgeon
Robert Douglas
Ebenezer Downs
Peter Doyle
James Durnell
William Edwards
James Emanuel
Lewis Evans, Carpenter’s Mate
Gerald Farald
John Freeman
Jonah Frisby
Thomas Fundebow, (or Thomas Fandaban or Thomas Fundebou)* Cooper’s Mate
William Gant
John Garigues
John Garnass
William Germond
William E. Godfrey
Andrew Gordon, Marine
James Gordon
Able Gore, Probably Master’s Mate
Stephen Gregory,* 2nd Lieutenant
Ebenezer Grenough
Simon Gross,* 1st Lieutenant
John Haley*
John Hamilton, Boy
John Hamilton, Cook
Thomas Hampton*
Josiah Hand
Seth Harding,* Captain
Joseph Hardy,* Captain of Marines
John Hart
Mark Haselett
Benjamin Hazard, Seaman
Thomas Hendry*
Peter Heynes
Benjamin Hinckly
Samuel Holmes
Samuel Holt,* Lieutenant of Marines
Conrod Hoofman
Jesse Hunt, Seaman
Turcall Hunter (or Turkell Hunter or Turtle Hunter),* Seaman
Obediah Idelit
John Jack (or Jacob Johns or John Jacobs),* Seaman
Robert Jackson
John James
George Jemmeson
James Johnson
James Johnson (James Johnston), Convict
John Jones 1st
John Jones 2nd
John Jones 3rd
Lewis Kail
Robert Kearns
Richard Keen
John Knight, Seaman
Jedediah Knox
Samuel Laboyteaux, Midshipman
George Laha
Charles Land
David Latham
John Lawrence,* Captain’s Clerk
Richard Lee
Ezekel Letts , Marine
William Lewis
Ezekel Lions
Ezekel Litchfield
Philip Lowds
John Manen
Patrick McCalaster
Caleph McCollough
Frederick McConn
Thomas McCook
William McGlaughlin
Francis McLain
James McMickle
John McNeal
Cail Miers
George Milcalf
Philip Miller
William Miller, Seaman
George Montgomery
Thomas Moore
Potter Morris
James Morton, Boatswain
Rial Mourehouse, Midshipman
Patrick Murphy
Brian Murray
William Nelson
Samuel Noblet
Henry Norris, Marine
William Nourse, Midshipman
John O’Brian
John Parker, Seaman
Israel Phillips
David Phipps, 3rd Lieutenant
James Pine
Maurice Power
Jeanbaptispe Puege
Benjamin Ramshaw, Boatswain
Dontry Randall
Edward Randall
Christopher Reed
John Reiley
Philip Reiley
James Richards
John Rigby
Joseph Rigou
Barna Roa
John Robertson, Purser’s Steward
Quacko Robertson, Seaman
George Robeson
John Roger
James Ross
John Ross
Benjamin Rothrock, Armorer
Patrick Rowlin
John Rowly
John Saint Ann
Samuel Salmon
John Satchel
Jonathan Satchell, Coxswain, Quartermaster
Christopher Scott, Seaman
Patrick Shannon
Jeremiah Shaw
Ezekel Shilcutt
Jesse Sip*, Seaman, Waiter
John Smith 2nd
William Smith
Thomas Spencer
William Stanly
John Steel, Seaman
Robert Steel
William Steward
William Still
Patrick Sullivan
George Tanner
John Tanner,* Master
John Taylor
David Thomas
John Thompson
Robert Tipples
Joseph Tobin
John Trevor
John Vaneman
Samuel Walker
Timothy Wall
Barsel Warren
Francis Weeden
Lloyd Wharton, Midshipman
John Whatson, Seaman
Frederick Wildenbrock
Dick Williams
John Williams
Thomas Williams
John Williamson
Francis Willson
Hugh Willson
Thomas Wood
John Young, Midshipman
Henry Younger
* The men noted by one asterisk are known to have served on previous cruises of the Frigate Confederacy.
** The men noted by two asterisks are not listed on the published crew list but thought to have served onboard this cruise.
Ebenezer Hyde **
Nathaniel Randall, ** Marine
Daniel Settinger, ** Probably Quartermaster