The Alphabetical List of First Officers and Men of the Frigate Trumbull (1777) is derived from the list that appears on pages 598-599 of the publication “Record of Service of Connecticut Men, Part I, Naval Record of Connecticut, 1775-1783” edited by Henry P. Johnston (1889). A note on page 600 indicates the original list is in the Connecticut Historical Society in Hartford. Page 60 of the “Papers of Alexander Hamilton, Vol. 16” edited by Harold C. Syrett suggest the date of this muster roll may be 15 September 1777. This list of officers and men is associated with the Trumbull’s time stranded in the Connecticut River. Launched in September 1776, the frigate was unsuccessful in passing the “Saybrooke Barr” at the mouth of the river prior to Captain Saltonstall leaving the ship in May 1779. His replacement, Captain Elisha Hinman finally freed the stranded ship in August 1779. With only a handful of exceptions, the enlistments of the crew are between February and April 1777. Even the exceptions only range between September 1776 and January 1778. The list includes position on the ship and offers alternate spellings of names (in parenthesis) to assist internet browsing.
Alexander P. Adams, gunner
Samuel Adams, seaman
Robert Aitkins of New Haven, seaman
Fromer or Freeman Badger of New Haven, barber
Thomas Bazzil, seaman
Elisha Beunet or Bennett, master’s second mate
John Brice, seaman
Brittian, boy
Noah Brooks, boatswain’s mate
John Brown, cook
John Burnham, landsman
Edmund Burr, seaman
Asael Bush, landsman
Samuel Caverla or Caverle of New Haven, tailor
Joseph Cheilds, boatswain
Thomas Clark, landsman
Abijah Collins, boatswain’s yeoman
Samuel Collins, seaman
Moses Cook of New Haven, seaman
Michael Creamer, boy
John Crocker, surgeon
John Daggett or Doggett of New Haven, boy
Samuel Davis, landsman
Samuel Demham, landsman
Bennett Eglestone, boy
Stephen Eglestone, boy
Joan or John Emmitt or Ammut, landsman
Thomas Fitzgerald, midshipman
Elisha Forbes of New Haven, landsman
Bowaro or Bowars French of New Haven, landsman
John Gaylord, carpenter
John Giles, landsman
Richard Goff, boy
William Goodrich, landsman
Nathan Gould, seaman
Robert Halladay, gunner’s mate
Christian Hanson of New Haven, landsman
Levy Hodge, seaman
Levy Holmes, caulker
John House, boy
John Huggins of New Haven, seaman
James Jefferson, landsman
John or James Jeffrey of New Haven, seaman
Thomns Jones, sailmaker
Samuel Johnson, carpenter’s mate
Thomas Johnson, seaman
Mitchel or Mitchell Kingman, landsman
Bouton Knapp, carpenter’s gang
Isaac Knapp, caulker
James Knapp, seaman
Truman Loveland of New Haven, landsman
Jonathan Maltby, first lieutenant
Joseph Merrils, boy
David Miller, boy
Ebenezer Miller, seaman
Joseph Miller, landsman
James Morris, sailing master
Will or William Baird Nicholson of New Haven, landsman
Jedediah Norton, seaman
Stephen Oliver of New Haven, seaman
Thomas Oliver of New Haven, landsman
Henry Peck of New Haven, landsman
Joseph Peck, landsman
Daniel Peterson of New Haven (Negro), landsman
Daniel Phipps, second lieutenant
Edward Prentis, boy
William Presber or Fresher of New Haven, landsman
William Putnam, seaman
James Richardson, landsman
Samuel Roberts, master’s mate
Arthur Robertson, midshipman
Roger Robins or Robbins, landsman
Jonathan Sabin of New Haven, midshipman
Ebenezer Sage, seaman
Dudley Saltonstall, commander
Silas Sandford, ship’s steward
Robert Saunders, quartermaster
Joseph Scott, landsman
Thomas Scott, landsman
Jonathan Setchell of New Haven, landsman
Jonathan Smith of New Haven, landsman
Eber Sperry of New Haven, seaman
Jabin Sperry of New Haven, seaman
Philo Sperry of New Haven, seaman
Justus Starr, landsman
Nehemiah Storer or Stover of New Haven, carpenter’s gang
George Stow, landsman
Samuel Stow, midshipman
John Stubbs of New Haven, seaman
Edmund Taylor, landsman
William Taylor, landsman
John Thompson or Thomson of New Haven, seaman
Samuel Tory, seaman
William Turner of New Haven, seaman
Robert Upham of New Haven, quartermaster
James Ward of New Haven, seaman
Nathaniel Warren of New Haven, landsman
Richard Wear, landsman
William Webb, landsman
Thomas Wendiver, Jr., seaman
William West of New Haven, seaman
Aaron White, seaman
Elisha White, landsman
Jacob White, third lieutenant
Peter Whitney, midshipman
Samuel Wise, landsman
Josiah Wood, landsman