Robert Morris letter of October 6, 1781 to Richard Yates, loyalist merchant of New York City, “Sir- I have just received advice that several Officers late of the Trumbull Frigate are on Parole on Long Island but much distressed for Money to pay their Board and as I expect they are by this Time or soon will be exchanged. I beg the Favor of you to supply Capt. James Nicholson with some Money to relieve his own Necessities and those of his Officers, a List of whom is at the foot of this Letter, and you will desire Capt. Nicholson to take and transmit me each Persons receipt for the money paid him. I hope their Wants will be very moderate and if the Amount exceeds the Balance of my Account I will punctually Pay your Draft on me or remit the Amount to you through the Commissary of Prisoners and on every Occasion return the like Attention and good Offices to such British Prisoners as you may recommend. I am Sir your most obedient Servant.”
List of Officers
John Fanning Lieutenant
Richard Dale Do
Richard Hurns Master
David Morrow Surgeon
Joseph Smith Purser
Samuel D. Morrow Surgeons Mate