Revolutionary War Delaware River and Bay Pilots

Two weeks ago I picked up the recently published book “The Cape May Navy” (2018) authored by Cape May area decoy maker and historian J. P. Hand and his West Coast collaborator Dr. Daniel P. Stites highlighting the contribution of Delaware Bay Privateers to the American Revolutionary cause. The book ends with a challenge to solve the mystery of “what became of the celebrated privateer” Yelverton Taylor. Always one ready to pick up a research mystery, I discovered quickly that Yelverton Taylor, or Yelvington as some records indicate, had an older sister wrapped up deep in a traitorous conspiracy to assist the British enemy. While the story does not precisely follow my concentration on the patriotic contributions of those in government service in the Continental Navy, I thought it a story worth telling. The devious plan centered on engaging two Delaware Bay pilots and one additional pilot capable of maneuvering through the “Chevaux de Freize” guarding the Delaware River and protecting Philadelphia and secreting to New York in order to pilot the British fleet up the Delaware for an attack on the fledgling nation’s capital. Testimony surrounding British Army Lieutenant James Molesworth’s plot indicates Yelverton Taylor’s sister Abigail McKay (aka McCoy) solicited the prospective collusion of several pilots at Molesworth’s behest from her home on Union Street in Philadelphia. When questioned by the pilots on how they would profit and avoid being caught, she responded that they would receive a lifetime stipend from a grateful Lord Howe aside from an immediate payment of five hundred guinéas. They were to be accompanied to New York on horseback, pilot Lord Howe’s flagship the Man-of-War Eagle up the Delaware and safely pass the Rebel fortifications as all the “Cannon wou’d be spiked up by some of our own People who attended the Fort.” Furthermore, she impressed upon the prospective conspirators “not to betray any of them by letting anything be known which had passed between them”.

Mrs. Abigail McKay’s initial deposition of 27 March 1777 appears on pages 275 and 276 of the “Pennsylvania Archives” (1853) and reads: “I know James Molesworth- he lodged at the Widow Yarnall’s in Chesnut Street, and was Clerk to Mr. Rhodes and Mr. Powell during the times of their Mayorilty. Molesworth has been often at my house and was there last evening I heard him then hint that he wanted Pilots. I saw Molesworth give Sneider money but knew not for what purpose. Molesworth asked for Eldridge & Higgons, and I told them that he wanted to see them. I saw Andrew Higgons at Mr. O’Bryan’s in Front Street, and told him I wanted to speak with him, he accordingly (as I was afterwards informed) called at my house, but I was not at home- he call’d last evening when I was at home. Yesterday morning I saw Higgons at my house, & told him I wanted to ask him some particular questions; but they were concerning my Mother. He asked me how he could go (meaning to New York) without being catch’d. I answered that I dare say he might go safe enough without being catch’d. I told him I dared to say, that it would be the making of him. I heard that a person had been sent from New York to engage Pilots, and I heard that some were going. I remember Higgons saying yesterday morning that he could get a Cheveaux de Frieze Pilot. I heard them yesterday talking about the Eagle, and some of them said she drew too much water to come up. Higgons brought Sneider to my House some time before Molesworth came. Higgons & Sneider agreed to meet Molesworth at my house. I told them Molesworth was the Person who wanted to speak to them. Molesworth asked me are these the People I wanted to speak to? I said yes. This happen’d yesterday evening. I did not hear any time certainly fixed for the Fleet’s being round, some having said next month, others not till the beginning of May. I might have said the Fleet are expected here. It was either Monday or Tuesday coming that Moleswarth told me he wanted these Pilots. My Brother Yelvington Taylor, who is a Pilot & goes to Sea, went down in a ship of which Sneider [John Schneider] was Pilot. I understood Molesworth he had been in Virginia.”

According to testimony before the Board of War, Abigail McKay apparently told the enemy agent Molesworth “she believed some of the Cape May Pilots would do it”. Thankfully, her opinion of her own patriot brother was higher than some of the other Cape May pilots as she returned the following day on 28 March to testify further. “Last Monday Evening, which was the first time she ever heard of the Affair, Molesworth came to her house & asked for her Brother, with whom he had very particular business & wou’d not miss her Brother for Twenty Pounds. She said her bro’ was gone down with a Wessel [Vessel], & on asking what he wanted, he said he wanted to employ Pilots to bring the Fleet round from New York… She knew Molesworth’s Character to be that of a Tory, his Conversation frequently tending that way. Mrs. [Sarah O’] Brien knew the whole affair fully. Molesworth on his application for her Brother told her at once the Reason why he was so anxious to see him. She told him her Brother would not engage in any such thing.” As if to excuse her own involvement in the treachery, Mrs. McKay pleaded innocently that she was recently “down at the Capes to see her Mother, & has been in Town only two weeks.”

The enemy scheme and American treachery ended with James Molesworth’s confession on the evening of 30 March 1777, the day before his execution where he reportedly requested his confession read aloud “when under the Gallows it might be made Publick.” Molesworth’s two female collaborators Abigail McKay and Sarah O’Brien, were seized and committed to prison by the War Office on 2 April. On Wednesday 2 July 1777, Yelverton Taylor’s sister Abigail petitioned to be set free on bail which was granted under the following terms, “That she be enlarged on Bail, with more or one sufficient sureties, in the Sum of One Thousand Pounds, conditioned that she appear at the next Court of Quarter Sessions and answer the charge which shall be brought against her; & that in the meantime she shall not reside or come nearer to the City of Philadelphia than the West side of Schuylkill on the Westward, and not nearer than three Miles of the said City to the Northward, for & during one Year.” While the final disposition of Mrs. Abigail McKay’s case has not yet been determined, this story of intrigue among those pilots of the River and Bay of Delaware named in the court records- John Eldridge, Andrew Higgins (Higgons), John Schneider (Snyder), William (Bill) Skillinger and Nathan Church has set me on another course of identifying all those pilots who served local shipping during those perilous times.

Privateer Captain Yelverton Taylor’s name appears with twenty-one others on a 20 September 1775 petition of the Pilots of the City of Philadelphia published in the Pennsylvania Archives (1879) on pages 376 & 377, pleading for use of two government galleys in order to fish and oyster to support themselves and their families who are deprived of their presence at the Capes. An alphabetized list of the petitioners is as follows:

John Adams

Michael Dawson

William Downs

Joseph Gamble

Miles Gerrard

Daniel Gorton

Abraham Marshall

William Marshall

Nehemiah Maull

William Moleston

Nathaniel Philip

Charles Richards

James Roberts

William Ross

John Schneider

Daniel Shillinger

Henry Shillinger

James Steward

Matthew Strong

Yelverton Taylor

Henry Tuder

William White

On 20 October 1775, the following ten pilots originally selected as the Chevaux-de-Frize Pilots “agreed to enter into the service of this Province [Pennsylvania], at the rate of six Pounds per month, for the purpose of piloting all vessels from Chester, through the machines sunk near Fort-Island, to this City [Philadelphia], and from this City to Chester”. Furthermore, “each of us duly sworn upon the Holy Evangelists, do, and every of us does, declare and swear, that he will not discover, to any person or persons whatever, any matter or thing which he shall be informed of or intrusted with, or which he now knows, or shall hereafter acquire knowledge of, by his own skill and experience or otherwise, whereby any person or persons may be taught and instructed how to conduct and navigate a vessel to pass through or between the machines called chevaux-de-frise, sunk in the River Delaware, by order of the Committee of Safety; and that each of us will use his utmost skill and endeavours to keep out of the way of and prevent his being taken by any British man-of-war, armed vessel, or other vessel in the immediate service of the King of Great Britain.”

Michael Dawson

Joseph Gamble

Daniel Gorton

William Marshall

Nehemiah Maule

William Moleston

James Roberts

William Ross

John Snyder

Matthew Strong

The ten pilots who were entrusted with the secret location of the Chevaux de Frize obstructions in the Delaware River and actually served are listed alphabetically on page 359 of the Pennsylvania Archives (1879) and, like the previous list, include the prospective conspirator John Schneider.

Dawson, Michael, October 11, 1775; discharged August 2, 1777.
Gamble, Joseph, October 11, 1775; discharged August 2, 1777.
Gordon, Daniel, October 11, 1775; discharged September, 1776. [Deceased]
Marshall, William, October 11, 1775; discharged August 2, 1777.
Maul, James, February 20, 1776; disc’d August 2, 1777. [Replaced Gordon Sept 19, 1776]
Maul, Nehemiah, October 11, 1775; discharged August 2, 1777.
Molleston (Mollestown), William, October 11, 1775; discharged August 29, 1777.
Robert, James, October 11, 1775; discharged August 2, 1777.
Ross, William, October 11, 1775; discharged August 2, 1777.
Schneider, John, October 11, 1775; discharged August 29, 1777.
Storey, Nathan, February 20, 1776; discharged August 2, 1777.

Joshua Fisher first published at Philadelphia in 1756 his subsequently suppressed Chart of [the] Delaware Bay from the Sea-Coast to Reedy-Island which served as the source of William Faden’s well circulated re-engraved chart issued in March 1776. This chart included a list of pilots and ship masters who attested to its accuracy and included the following pilots whose names are here alphabetized. One of Molesworth’s intended conspirators Andrew Higgins is included.

Joseph Bailey

Daniel Crowell

Samuel Davis

Samuel Edgell

Simon Edwards

Nehemiah Field

Henry Fisher

William Flower

Nathaniel Foster

Elihu Hand

Jeremiah Hand

Thomas Hand

Andrew Higgins

Peter Hunter

Silas Lupton

William Painter

Samuel Rowland

Samuel Rowland, Jr.

William Rowland, Jr.

Luke Shield, Jr.

Reuben Swain

Abraham Wiltbank

Scrutiny of the of the Pennsylvania Archives (1879) and Delaware Archives (1891) brings to light the service, patriot and otherwise of a number of pilots operating on the Delaware, some not noted on those dedicated lists including:

John Adams, pilot of ship General Green, died 29 May 1779

Frederick Bird, Former captain of sloop Defence May 1777, Entered on Fire brig Vesuvius June 1777, Fire brig Vulcano and pilot of the fire fleet 1777, Captain of the Sally January 1778

Alexander Bruce, unauthorized trip to Capes in a pilot boat 1776

Nathan Church, 1777

John Conner, Delaware, accused of trading with and piloting the enemy

Samuel Davis, Lewes Town

Samuel Edwards, April 1776, stationed at Lewes Town

John Eldridge, 1776

Nehemiah Field, Lewes Town

Henry Fisher, Lewes Town

Joseph Gamble, refused to go on board ship Delaware August 1777

Andrew Higgins, former Captain of PA sloop Defence, pilot of schooner Delaware May 1777-1778

Nicholas Himan, Master and pilot of brig Convention May 1777

Jeremiah Holden (Holben), pilot of brig Convention July 1777, pilot from Chester to Capes

George Jackson, pilot of fire ship Hecla 5/21/76-5/21/77, pilot of ship Strumbelo July 1777, Runaway September 1777

James Jones, 1776, Lewes Town

John Marshall, pilot of ship Stumbelo, pilot of fire ship Hecla July 1777, Runaway September 1777

John E. Maul, Lewes Town

William Moore, Jr, Cape May, accused of harbouring and piloting the enemy

Daniel Murphy, unauthorized trip to Capes in a pilot boat 1776

Thomas Rowland, 1784

Enos Schillinger, Jr.

William (Bill) Skillinger, pilot from Cape May 1777

Mr. Skillinger. 1784

John Smith, unauthorized trip to Capes in a pilot boat 1776

Henry Tudor, 26 years of experience by 1776, 45 days on PA brig Convention, on Randolph 12/1/1776

Richard Wells, Hire of pilot boat 1777

A scan of the Pennsylvania Archives (1879) reveals the 1777 wages of pilots navigating the Delaware to be forty-two dollars per month with two rations of food per day while the “Chevaux de Frize” piloting wages had increased from their initial rate of L 6 per month two years earlier to L 18 per month with three rations per day. One authorization for payment of L 3 stands out as evidence that pilots were also compensated on occasion for extraordinary duty or hazard pay if the specific situation warranted. Delaware River and Bay pilots operating out of Philadelphia, Chester or Wilmington hailed largely from the Capes, either Lewes Town or Cape May. No particular effort has yet been made to identify the home of each of the pilots listed however, familial clues can be found in both Hand & Stites “The Cape May Navy” (2018) and Andrew Knopp’s “One Hundred Year History of the Pilot’s Association Bay and River Delaware 1896-1996” (1996). Knopp quotes J. Thomas Scharf’s “History of Delaware” on page 5 noting “After 1800, the occupation of piloting at Lewes appears to have been confined almost entirely to persons bearing the names of Conwell, Clampitt, Rowland, Maull, Howard, West, Marshall, Wesley, Chambers and Verdin.” Hand and Stites on page 35 of their book list the families tied to maritime interests on the Jersey Cape, “from East Hampton and Southampton, on the east end of Long Island, came the Hands, Hughes, Leamings, Edwards and Schellingers. From Western Long Island and/or East Jersey came the Corsons, Stillwells, Willets and Stiteses. The Taylors, Steelmans and others came to Cape May from settlements on the Delaware River.” Following is an amalgamated alphabetized list composed from the previous sources of Chevaux de Frize, Government Service and Delaware River and Bay Pilots who served during the war years as well as, pilots named in the 1774 Tax List for Philadelphia County and mentioned in Philadelphia newspapers between 1775 and 1783:

John Adams

Joseph Bailey

Frederick Bird

Alexander Bruce

John Conner

Robert Cooke

Daniel Crowell

Samuel Davis

Michael Dawson

John Dillworth

William Downs

Samuel Edgell

Samuel Edwards

Simon Edwards

John Eldridge

John Emmes

Nehemiah Field

Henry Fisher

William Flower

Nathaniel Foster

Joseph Gamble

Miles Gerrard

Zachariah Goforth

Daniel Gorton (Gordon)

Abraham Gregory

Joshua Hall

Richard Ham

Elihu Hand

Jeremiah Hand

Thomas Hand

Andrew Higgins (Higgons)

Nicolas Himan

Jeremiah Holden (Holben)

Peter Hunter

George Jackson

James Jones

Elzey Long

Silas Lupton

Abraham Marshall

John Marshall

William Marshall

Abraham Mason

James Maul

John E. Maul

James Maule

Nehemiah Maul (Maull, Maule)

William Moleston (Molleston, Mollestown)

William Moore, Jr.

Daniel Murphy

William Painter

John Peckworth

Nathaniel Philip

Charles Richards

James Roberts (Robert)

William Ross

Samuel Rowland

Samuel Rowland, Jr.

Thomas Rowland

William Rowland Jr.

John Schneider (Snyder)

Luke Shield, Jr.

Daniel Shillinger

Enos Schillinger, Jr.

Henry Shillinger

Mr. Skillinger

John Smith

James Steward (Stewart)

Nathan Storey

Matthew Strong

Thomas Stuart

Reuben Swain

Yelverton Taylor

Henry Tuder

Richard Wells, Jr.

Richard West

William White

Thomas Willis

Abraham Wiltbank

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Partial List of Officers and Men of the Ship Boston (January 1778)

The following list, dated January 1778 and granting power of attorney as prize agent to Major Richard Reed begins “We the Subscribers, officer as well as Seaman belonging to the Ship Boston Commanded by Samuel Tucker, Esq.,” is transcribed from two Revolutionary War pension documents. The list appears in different formats in the pension applications of both William Goss, Jr’s widow Susannah (aka Susan) #R-4148 and the widow of Midshipman Philip Follett, Sarah Smith Follett Reynolds #W-24751. The differences in each, particularly in spelling and notations of rate or quality on the vessel, indicate both are imperfect transcriptions of the original. Other documents in Sarah Reynolds’ pension application indicate signee Benjamin Reed was one of the frigate Boston’s Lieutenants, as well as, Follett’s uncle and also identifies William Jennison as Lieutenant of Marines. Susan Goss’ application indicates John Goss and William Goss, Jr. were brothers and that William Goss, Jr was raised by the ship’s Pilot, his grandfather. This list was drafted just one month prior to the frigate Boston’s cruise conveying John Adams and his son John Quincy to France. The vessel returned to Portsmouth, NH on 15 October 1778.


Benjamin Tucker, First Mate

John Vickery, Mate

Phillip Follett, Midshipman [Died 25 February 1778 at Marblehead]

James Quilly, Ship’s Cook

John Goss, Boy

William Goss, Ship’s Pilot

William Goss, Jr, Boy

Jacob Tucker, Junior Boy

George Snowden, Mate

Elias Bordon, Quarter Master

Jacob Tucker, Quarter Master

Phillip Mohyes, Quarter Master

Richard Webber, Boy

Samuel Gatchell, Boy

John Davis, Boatswain’s Mate

John Fox Bosuns Mate

Aaron Keith, Capt Tailor

Jeremiah Mahoney Chief Bs Mate

William Roberts

Henry Payton, Mate

Nath’l Pearce, Purser

Nath’l Pearce, Jun’r, Boy

John Pearce ye 5th, Boy

Thomas Brimblecom

James Harris, Boy of Goss

Benjamin Reed [Lieutenant]

Phillip Mohyes

Joseph Proctor for son

Richard Horton, Mid’n

Joshua Goss, Mid’n [Prize Master, taken & committed to Forton Prison 28 August 1778]

Thomas Brimblecom, Jun’r, Boy

Andrew Richardson

Joseph Hobart, Mate [crossed out]

John Fowler

Thomas Colley

John Maine

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Roll of Men on Frigate Deane’s Last Cruise under Nicholson (May 1782)

The following list of 302 officers and men of the Continental Navy frigate Deane’s last cruise under Captain Samuel Nicholson and before she was renamed Hague was compiled from the 17 volume collection of “Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War. A Compilation from the Archives” first published by the Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State between 1896 and 1908. The collection is available online with digital recognition through the auspices of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and is also accessible through The roll has been arranged according to rate or quality on board the vessel and includes all those who services were commenced in early November 1781 and completed with the discharge of her crew on 31 May 1782. Ordered to sea on a cruise to the West Indies in February 1782, the vessel left Boston on 10 March and returned nine weeks later on 17 May 1782. During that time she took the unarmed merchant ship Mary bound from Belfast to Barbados with a cargo of provisions and dry goods on 9 April. Two days later, the 32-gun frigate Deane captured the 14-gun HMS Jackal and her crew of 52 under the command of Royal Navy Lieutenant Gustavus Logie before the cutter could run under the cover of Barbados. Some claim the Jackal was the last British warship to surrender to a Continental Navy vessel. On 4 May 1782, the Deane captured the 14-gun privateer brig Swallow operating out of Bermuda and also retook the North Carolina brig Elizabeth bound from that state to St. Thomas. After capturing the 18-gun privateer ship Regulator and her crew of 75 men on 10 May 1782, frigate Deane sailed home to Boston with her recent prizes and her decks filled with prisoners and sick crewmen.


Nicholson, Samuel. Captain

Page, Benjamin. 1st Lieutenant

Dillaway, Arthur. 2d Lieutenant

Knies, Michael. 3d Lieutenant

Smith, Samuel. Acting Lieutenant

McCaver, Robert. Master

St. Medard, Peter. Surgeon’s Mate, Chief Surgeon

Hurlbutt, Enoch. Surgeon’s Mate

Trigance (Trigancy), Joseph. Assistant Surgeon’s Mate

Richards, George. Chaplain

Jackson, Henry W. (Harry W.). Master s Mate

Tanner, Helyer. Master’s Mate

Thomas, Nathaniel. Pilot, Reported “Run[away]”

Turner, Luther. Mariner

Audiburt (Audebert), Isaiah. Midshipman

Bright, George. Midshipman

Fleming, William. Midshipman

Frazier, John. Midshipman, Drowned Feb. 12, 1782

Frisby, Jonah. Midshipman

McArthy, Daniel. Midshipman

Palmes, Samuel. Midshipman

Casson, Miles. Acting Midshipman

Keen, Tubal. Acting Midshipman

Lovering, Samuel. Acting Midshipman

Prisby, William. Acting Midshipman

Hacker, John. Acting Midshipman, Coxswain

Cochran, Richard. Boatswain

Bryant, William. Boatswain’s Mate

Cole, John. Boatswain’s Mate

Page, William. Gunner

Bourford, Nicholas. Gunner’s Mate

Robinson, Christopher. Gunner’s Mate

Millar, Leonard. Gunner’s Yeoman

Francisco, Jacob. Quarter Gunner, Reported “Run[away]”

Jackson, Josiah. Quarter Gunner

Ruddock, Edward. Carpenter

Ellis, John. Carpenter’s Mate

Pool, Samuel. Carpenter’s Yeoman, Reported “Run[away]”

Davis, Israel. Landsman, Carpenter’s Yeoman

Dogget, Seth. Sailmaker

Davis, William. Sailmaker’s Mate

Caswell, Samuel. Captain’s Clerk, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Langdon, Richard. Purser

McGill, John. Armorer, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Pedley, William. Armorer

Claridge, Francis. Armorer’s Mate

Fuller, Thaddeus. Master-at-Arms

Lambert, James. Ship’s Steward

Dougherty, Dennis. Steward’s Mate, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Jones, James. Steward’s Mate

Cruch, Richard. Cooper, Reported “discharged being sick”

Campbell, Arnold. Cooper’s Mate

Caswell, Richard. Ship’s Cook, Died Feb. 12, 1782

Patterson, Andrew. Cook

Polloy, “Squash.” Cook’s Mate

Bonnel, Jean. Captain’s Cook, Reported “Run[away]”

Launey, Augustin. Baker, Reported returned to French consul

Litchfield, Ezekiel. Coxswain

French, Robert. Quarter Master

Hayward, Benjamin. Quarter Master

Kemp, John. Quarter Master

Lucky, William. Quarter Master

Molloy, Edward. Quarter Master

Robbins, Henry. Quarter Master

Crosby, London. Barber

Davis, Edward. Tailor, Reported “Run[away] Jan. 12, 1782”

Malcom, John. Tailor

Adams, John. Seaman, Transferred to “Alliance,” Dec. 21, 1781

Allen, Samuel. Seaman

Anderson, James. Seaman, Transferred to the “Alliance,” Dec. 21, 1781

Arnold, Aaron. Seaman

Bates, Jabez. Seaman

Blake, John. Seaman

Blasedell, Nathaniel. Seaman

Boswell, Samuel. Seaman

Bradford, Richard. Seaman

Brown, James. Seaman

Brown, John. Seaman

Bryant, James. Seaman

Burril, Humphrey. Seaman

Callister, James. Seaman

Carter, Peter. Seaman

Champny, Benjamin. Seaman

Clarke, William. Seaman

Cokle, William. Seaman

Connor, Thomas. Seaman, Transferred to hospital Feb. 15, 1782

Cox, Elias. Marine

Cox, Thomas. Seaman, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Crosier, Robert. Seaman

Cubben John. Seaman

Cumberford, Edward. Seaman

Dearing, Daniel. Seaman

Dickery, William. Seaman

Donevan, Mark. Seaman

Dowdy, William. Seaman

Drake, Edward. Seaman, Reported “run[away]”

Drake, William. Seaman

Du Verge, Pierre. Seaman, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Everson, George Richey. Seaman, Reported returned to the Army

Field, Limas. Seaman, Servant to Capt. Nicholson, Died Dec. 31, 1781

Franks, Thomas. Seaman

Gallard, James. Seaman

Garrick, William. Seaman, Reported deserted and returned

Granger, Peter. Seaman, Died March 12, 1782

Grosse, Thomas. Seaman

Gurney, Lemuel. Seaman, Reported returned from the “Dean” May 22, 1782

Handson, Luke. Seaman

Harrison, Thomas. Seaman

Hayes, Richard. Seaman

Hilt, Johan. Seaman

Hinday, Thomas. Seaman

Hodgson, Joseph. Seaman

Horton, Elijah. Seaman, Reported deserted but returned

Hutton, James. Seaman

Jeffers, Peter. Seaman

Jones, John. Seaman

Keith, Timothy. Seaman

Kennedy, Patrick. Seaman, Died March 5, 1782

Kennedy, Peter. Seaman

Knox, James. Seaman

Lampier, Amos. Seaman

Launey, Peter. Seaman

Lewis, Elisha. Seaman, Reported a deserter from the “Alliance”

McAllony, William. Seaman

McDonald, Patrick. Seaman

McLane. Paul. Seaman

Mitchel, Edward. Seaman

Moor, Thomas. Seaman

Mopsy, Richard. Seaman

Morell, Pierre. Seaman

Morris, William. Seaman

Mullegan, Michael. Seaman, Drowned Feb. 12, 1782

Muncoy, Daniel. Seaman

Murphy, John. Seaman

Murphy, Thomas. Seaman

Nash, Oliver. Seaman

Nevel, John. Seaman

Obriant, William. Seaman, Reported “Deserted from the Army & returned to them again”

Page, Thomas. Seaman

Patterson, Stephen. Seaman

Pierce, John. Seaman

Potter, Thomas. Seaman

Quin, Peter. Seaman

Ramsay, Thomas. Seaman

Ramsdell, Joseph. Seaman

Ramsdell, Lot. Seaman

Ramsdell, Simeon. Seaman

Ray, Thomas. Seaman

Reed, Eliphaz. Seaman

Reed, Ephraim. Seaman

Riley, Joseph. Seaman

Roberts, Thomas. Seaman

Rock, Thomas. Seaman

Rose, John. Seaman

Rusden, Sampson. Seaman

Shannant, Michael. Seaman

Shaw, William. Seaman

Smith, Peter. Seaman

Smith, Stephen. Seaman

Spencer, Thomas. Seaman, Lt. Dillaway’s apprentice

Stoddard, Isaiah. Seaman

Taylor, Thomas. Seaman

Tebot (Tepott,Teapots), Francis. Seaman, Reported Deserter from the Continental Army

Thompson, Thomas. Seaman, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Tinner, John. Seaman

Walker, John. Seaman

Wallis, Ebenezer. Seaman

Whailey, James. Seaman

Williams, James. Seaman

Williams, John. Seaman, Reported “Run[away]”

Williams, William. Seaman

Winzer, Joseph. Seaman

Witherburne, William. Seaman

Witherell, John. Seaman, Reported deserted, but returned

Witherell, Oliver. Seaman

Brightwell, John. Ordinary Seaman

Dillaway, Henry. Ordinary Seaman

Edwards, Thomas. Ordinary Seaman, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Hamilton, Thomas. Ordinary Seaman, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Roberts, John. Ordinary Seaman, Transferred to the ” Alliance ” Dec. 21, 1781

Spencer, Anthony. Ordinary Seaman

White, Samuel. Major and Volunteer

Palmes, Richard. Captain of Marines

Simmonds, Edward. Captain of Marines

Smith, Elijah. Captain of Marines

Waterman, William. Lieutenant of Marines

Reed, Jeremiah. Lieutenant of Marines

Chandler, Josiah. Sergeant of Marines

Crooker, Tilden. Sergeant of Marines

Ames, Moses. Corporal of Marines

McNeil, John. Corporal of Marines

Scever, William. Ship’s Corporal, Reported “pd for him when Deserted £1.1.6”

Bennet, William. Drummer

Scears, John. Drummer, Transferred to the “Alliance ” Dec. 21, 1781

Coomer, William. Fifer, Reported returned to the Army

Fisk, David. Fifer

Ames, Eli. Marine

Arcant, John. Marine, Reported “Run[away]”

Barber, Benjamin. Marine

Bates, Benjamin. Marine

Bennet, Isaac. Marine

Blood, Royal. Marine

Borgatt, John. Marine

Bremont, Alexis. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Brimmer, Peter. Marine

Camp, Mial. Marine

Coats, Benjamin. Marine, Died May 31, 1782

Conn, William. Marine

Cutler, Charles. Marine

Davis, Rufus. Marine

Divortis, John. Marine

Farrington, Thomas. Marine

Fisk, John. Marine

Frances, Levi. Marine, Reported “Run[away]”

Frost, Jonathan. Marine

Gosse, Jean Survain. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Green, Eli. Marine

Havens, William. Marine

Hawkins, Joseph. Marine

Hibbard, Timothy. Marine

Hoisington, Velina. Marine

Holden, James. Marine

Holden, Richard. Marine

Hutchins, David. Marine

Lawrence, Benjamin. Marine

Lawrence, Rogers. Marine

Lewis, Thomas. Marine

Lock, Nathan. Marine

Luce, Ephraim. Marine

Martini, John Baptista. Marine

McClanning, Prince. Marine

Moon, Charles. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Munn, John. Marine

Oherin, David. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Osbourne, Hugh. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Osbourne, Michael. Marine

Osbourne, Peleg. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Osbourne, Thomas. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Osbourne, William. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781

Parker, Imla. Marine

Parker, William. Marine

Pillsbury, Chase. Marine

Porter, Ezra. Marine

Proctor, Josiah. Marine

Proctor, Philip. Marine

Richards, Jesse. Marine, Reported “Run[away]”

Richards, William. Marine, Reported “Run[away]”

Saunders, Moses. Marine

Scurry, William. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance ” Dec. 21, 1781

Shubam, Francis. Marine

Smith, William. Marine, Reported “Run[away]”

Spaulding, Job. Marine

Stone, Albemarle. Marine

Stutson, Matthew. Marine

Threshear, Noah. Marine

Torry, Warren. Marine, Transferred to the “Alliance ” Dec. 21, 1781

Turner, Winslow. Marine

Wall, George. Marine

Whitney, Solomon. Marine

Willcut, Joseph. Marine

Willys, Samuel. Marine

Ashburnham, John. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Caddot, James. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Chorly, Christopher. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Grindly, John. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Hall, John. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Hanson, Robert. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Mires, William. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Robbins, Joseph. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Sawl, Thomas. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Sulliway, William. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Thompson, John. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Witherbourne, George. Boy, Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Wail (Wails,Wait), John. Boy, Lt. Page’s apprentice

Winslow, William. Boy, Lt. Page’s apprentice

Prebble (Pribble), Henry. Boy, Lt. Dillaway’s apprentice

Brown, John. Boy, Mr. McCavers’ apprentice

Bowen, Peter. Boy

Chatty, Thomas. Boy

Dunwill, John. Boy

Dwelly, John. Boy

Gardner, Joseph. Boy

Garnett, Laban. Boy

Hunt, Samuel. Boy

Lee, Benjamin. Boy

Osbourne, John. Boy

Palmes, Francis. Boy

Piper, John. Boy

Ridley, Isaac. Boy, Discharged March 1, 1782

Sprague, Samuel. Boy

Teague, Charles. Boy

Willson, John. Boy

Dilligant, William. Landsman, Reported Capt. Nicholson’s apprentice

Barker, Benjamin. Landsman

Jones, William Williams. Landsman

Killy, James. Landsman

Torry, Nathaniel. Landsman, Died March 31, 1782

Williamson, James. Landsman

Sherridan, Patrick. Yeoman, Drowned Jan. 6, 1782

Bridges, Isaac. Volunteer

Scott, William. Volunteer

Jones (alias Chappel), Joshua. Deserter from Col. Henry Jackson’s Regiment

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Roll of Men on the Frigate Hague’s Final Cruise (May 1783)

The following list of 255 of officers and men of the Continental Navy frigate Hague’s final cruise was compiled from the 17 volume collection of “Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War. A Compilation from the Archives” first published by the Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State between 1896 and 1908. The collection is available online with digital recognition through the auspices of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and is also accessible through The roll has been arranged according to rate or quality on board the vessel if identified in the records and includes all those who services were paid off on 10 May 1783. Some select few were paid for service after that date to as late as August 1783. Those whose service is noted to have ended prior to 10 May 1783 are assumed to have died in service on the date noted and their service paid off although each case has not been individually confirmed. Those whose rate or quality was not identified in the records have been listed last and noted as unidentified. There may also have been supernumeraries or volunteers whose presence on the vessel was not included in the pay receipts noted in the archives.

Manley, John. Captain
Page, Benjamin. 1st Lieutenant
Dillaway, Arthur. 2d Lieutenant
Knies, Michael. 3d Lieutenant, Service to Feb. 27, 1783
McCaver, Robert. Master
Simmonds, Edward. Captain of Marines, Service to Sept. 9, 1782
Smith, Elijah. Captain of Marines
Reed, Jeremiah. 1st Lieutenant of Marines
Waterman, William. [2nd] Lieutenant of Marines
St. Medard, Peter. Surgeon’s Mate, Chief Surgeon
Richards, George. Chaplain
Jackson, Henry W. (Harry W.) Master s Mate
Tanner, Helyer. Master’s Mate
Gragg, Samuel. Pilot
Audiburt (Audebert), Isaiah. Midshipman
Bright, George. Midshipman
Fleming, William. Midshipman
Casson, Miles. Acting Midshipman
Keen, Tubal. Acting Midshipman
Lovering, Samuel. Acting Midshipman
Corkran (Cochran), Richard. Boatswain
Page, William. Gunner
Ruddock, Edward. Carpenter, Service to July 23, 1782
Trigance (Trigancy), Joseph. Assistant Surgeon’s Mate, Surgeon
Langdon, Richard. Purser
Pedley, William. Armorer
Lambert, James. Ship’s Steward
Patterson, Andrew. Cook
Malcom, John. Tailor
Hacker, John. Coxswain
Jackson, Josiah. Quarter Gunner
Ellis, John. Carpenter’s Mate
Davis, Israel. Carpenter’s Yeoman
Robbins, Henry. Quarter Master. Service to Jan. 20, 1783
Lucky, William. Quarter Master, Service to April 2, 1783
Molloy, Edward. Quarter Master
Allen, Samuel. Seaman
Blake, John. Seaman
Bradford, Richard. Seaman
Brown, John. Seaman
Cubben John. Seaman
Cumberford, Edward. Seaman
Dearing, Daniel. Seaman
Gallard, James. Seaman
Gregory, David. Seaman
Jeffers, Peter. Seaman
Jennings, Peter. Seaman
Keith, Timothy. Seaman
Knox, James. Seaman
Lewis, Elisha. Seaman
Miller, Leonard. Seaman, Service to Feb. 19, 1783
Muncoy, Daniel. Seaman
Murphy, John. Seaman
Murphy, Thomas. Seaman
Page, Thomas. Seaman
Reed, Eliphaz. Seaman
Riley, Joseph. Seaman
Shannant, Michael. Seaman
Taylor, Thomas. Seaman
Wallis, Ebenezer. Seaman
Williams, James. Seaman
Williams, John. Seaman
Witherell, Oliver. Seaman
Spencer, Anthony. Ordinary Seaman
Wail (Wails, Wait), John. Boy, Apprentice to Benjamin Page
Winslow, William. Boy, Apprentice to Benjamin Page
Spencer, Thomas. Apprentice to Arthur Dillaway
Prebble, Henry. Apprentice to Arthur Dillaway
Garnett, Laban. Boy, Service to July 5, 1782
Hunt, Samuel. Boy
Sprague, Samuel. Boy
Crooker, Tilden. Sergeant of Marines
Ames, Moses. Corporal of Marines
Bennet, William. Drummer
Ames, Eli. Marine
Blood, Royal. Marine, Service to July 25, 1782
Bremont, Alexis. Marine
Davis, Rufus. Marine
Frost, Jonathan. Marine, Service to July 25, 1782
Hawkins, Joseph. Marine
Hibbard, Timothy. Marine
Lawrence (Lawrance), Benjamin. Marine, Service to July 23, 1782
Lawrence, Rogers. Marine, Service to July 25, 1782
McClanning, Prince. Marine
Munn, John. Marine
Parker, Imla. Marine
Parker, William. Marine
Pillsbury, Chase. Marine
Wall, George. Marine
Whitney, Solomon. Marine, Service to May 31, 1782
Williamson, James. Landsman
Ackley, John. Unidentified
Amey, Tobias. Unidentified
Barcheley, George. Unidentified
Barker, Josiah. Unidentified
Barnard, Silas. Unidentified
Belingham, Anthony. Unidentified
Blanchard, Zaccheus. Unidentified
Blood, Edmund. Unidentified
Blood, Noah. Unidentified, Service to March 21, 1783
Blood, Reuben. Unidentified, Service to Feb. 27, 1783
Bolt, Thomas. Unidentified
Bowers, Jerathmeel. Unidentified
Bremar, Peter. Unidentified
Brown, James. Unidentified
Bruce, Louis. Unidentified
Byram, Stephen. Unidentified
Call, John. Unidentified
Cashman, James. Unidentified
Champney, Benjamin. Unidentified
Chase, Richard. Unidentified
Check, Robert. Unidentified
Cochran, Nathaniel. Unidentified
Con, James. Unidentified
Cooper, John. Unidentified
Creps, Francis. Unidentified
Crosby, Paul. Unidentified
Crosman, Joseph. Unidentified
Dana, Luther. Unidentified
Davis, Cornelius. Unidentified
Day, Joseph. Unidentified
Deavis, John. Unidentified
Denny, John. Unidentified
Devereux, Thomas. Unidentified
Drew, Charles. Unidentified
Dunnel, Jacob. Unidentified
Duty, John. Unidentified
Ellinwood, James. Unidentified, Service to Feb. 29, 1783
Emerson, Sewall. Unidentified
Farwell, William. Unidentified
Fitz Gerald, Thomas. Unidentified
Fleming, Henry. Unidentified
Foss, Thomas. Unidentified
Fremio, Peter. Unidentified
French, Joseph. Unidentified
French, Samuel. Unidentified
Furmer, Peter. Unidentified
Glover, Jonathan. Unidentified
Gowens, John. Unidentified, Service to Feb. 25, 1783
Gowing, Ezekiel. Unidentified
Grant, Ebenezer. Unidentified
Grant, Thomas. Unidentified
Green, Edward. Unidentified
Groose, Thomas. Unidentified, Service to July 2, 1782
Harris, John. Unidentified
Hastings, Samuel. Unidentified, Service to March 28, 1783
Hatch, Luther. Unidentified
Hemmenway, Ebenezer. Unidentified
Hemmingway, David. Unidentified
Henderson, John. Unidentified
Herrick, John. Unidentified
Hillaburt, Reuben. Unidentified
Hindy, Thomas. Unidentified
Hogarth, Hugh. Unidentified
Holden, Oliver. Unidentified
Holeten, Richard. Unidentified
Honyman, James. Unidentified
Hosley, John. Unidentified (Refer to Comment Following)
Hoton, Isaac. Unidentified
Hubbard, Joseph. Unidentified
Hunter, John. Unidentified
Jackson, Eleazer. Unidentified
James, Edward. Unidentified
Jenkins, John. Unidentified
Jennison, Samuel. Unidentified
Johnson, Jonathan. Unidentified
Johnston, Adam. Unidentified
Kilby, James. Unidentified
Kingsley, Uriah. Unidentified
Lane, William. Unidentified
Lang, Thomas. Unidentified
Lannan, Peter. Unidentified
Larrabee, John. Unidentified
Lawrence, Levi. Unidentified
Lawrence, Sebastian. Unidentified
Lewis, David. Unidentified
Little, William. Unidentified, Service to Feb. 23, 1783
Locke, John. Unidentified
Lovejoy, John. Unidentified
Lovejoy, Nathan. Unidentified, Service to April 17, 1783
Lovejoy, Theodore. Unidentified
Lowell, John. Unidentified
McCan, Patrick. Unidentified
McCarthy, Daniel. Unidentified
McCarty, Andrew. Unidentified
McElheron, William. Unidentified
McIntyre, Donald. Unidentified
McKensie, Alexander. Unidentified
Merry, Patrick. Unidentified
Mullin, William. Unidentified
Murphy, Richard. Unidentified
Murray, Francis. Unidentified
Murray, Peter. Unidentified
Myers, Michael. Unidentified
Nicols, John. Unidentified
Norris, Hugh. Unidentified
Palmer, Francis. Unidentified
Palmer, Richard. Unidentified
Palmer, Samuel. Unidentified, Service to June 11, 1782
Parker, Ben Woods. Unidentified
Peirce, Walter. Unidentified
Pike, James. Unidentified, Service to Dec. 14, 1783
Pinney, Philaster. Unidentified
Poor, David. Unidentified
Power, Jacob. Unidentified
Powers, Peter. Unidentified
Prat, David. Unidentified
Prockter, William. Unidentified
Ramsdale, Joseph. Unidentified, Service to July 2, 1782,
Ramsdale, Lot. Unidentified, Service to Feb. 29, 1783
Ray, James. Unidentified
Reed, Samuel. Unidentified
Rider, Richard. Unidentified
Rieley, John. Unidentified
Riley, John, 2d. Unidentified
Rogers, John. Unidentified
Shattuck, Joel. Unidentified
Shed, Daniel. Unidentified
Skillins, Nehemiah. Unidentified
Smith, Thomas. Unidentified
Stephenson, John. Unidentified
Stephenson, William. Unidentified, Service to March 24, 1783
Stevens, Isaac. Unidentified, Service to April 20, 1783
Stevens, John. Unidentified
Stevens, Peter. Unidentified
Sticknee, Paul. Unidentified
Stocker, Enoch. Unidentified
Stodder, Isaiah. Unidentified
Stoder, Zenas. Unidentified
Sullivan, John. Unidentified, Service to May 10, 1783
Sumner, Samuel. Unidentified
Tarbell, Oliver. Unidentified, Service to Feb. 17, 1783
Taylor, Thomas, 1st. Unidentified
Teague, Charles. Unidentified
Thompson, John. Unidentified
Thompson, William. Unidentified
Thompson, William. Unidentified
Thornley, James. Unidentified
Tracey, Thomas. Unidentified
Tripp, Jesse. Unidentified
Wakefield, Peter. Unidentified
Watley (Whatley), William. Unidentified
Wilcut, Joseph. Unidentified
Wilder, Calvin. Unidentified, Service to Feb. 20, 1783
Wilkins, Bray. Unidentified
Wilkins, Jonathan. Unidentified
Willard, Joseph. Unidentified
Willis, Samuel. Unidentified
Wills, John. Unidentified
Winzer, Josiah. Unidentified
Wood, Abel. Unidentified
Wright, Alexander. Unidentified
Wright, John. Unidentified
Wright, Samuel. Unidentified
Young, Samuel. Unidentified

Posted in Frigate Hague | 2 Comments

Officers and Men of the Frigate Hague (1782-5/10/1783)

The following alphabetical list of 256 officers and men of the Continental Navy frigate Hague commanded by John Manley, formerly known as the frigate Deane, was compiled from the 17 volume collection of “Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolutionary War. A Compilation from the Archives” first published by the Massachusetts Office of the Secretary of State between 1896 and 1908. The collection is available online with digital recognition through the auspices of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and is also accessible through However, both of these viewing vehicles are cumbersome when searching for the entire crew of a particular vessel. Some time ago, I stumbled on the 12 February 2011 blog “The Crew of the Two Ships Called Deane” on Dennis Segelquist’s always interesting website “Civil War Days & Those Surnames”. Mr. Segelquist included names representing crews from both the Continental frigate Deane and the private armed ship of the same name, commanded by Elisha Hinman. He didn’t segregate the crews of the two vessels “as this would take way too long.” In order to provide an easily re-searchable list of the officers and men of the Continental Navy frigate Deane, I have taken that time to re-examine each of the 17 volumes. In the process, I was inspired to also examine the collection with an eye to generating an equally easy searchable list of the officers and men of the renamed Continental Navy frigate Hague. As Segelquist correctly noted, “These records are badly written and there are a lot of miss-spellings”, errors accentuated by the digital recognition software that is used to transcribe them. I have done my best but I’m certain some errors appear despite my concentrated efforts. Finally, where the individual previously served on the vessel formerly known as the Deane, I have included that service also. The reference volume and page numbers have been added in parentheses for each individual listing for ease in using the collection.

Ackley, John. Frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; receipt for wages to May 10, 1783 (1/29)

Allen, Samuel. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. S. Nicholson; engaged Nov. 30, 1781; roll made up to May 31, 1782; service, 6 mos.; enlistment, 12 months. Frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; receipt for wages to May 10, 1783. (1/186)

Ames, Eli. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. S. Nicholson; enlisted Feb. 23, 1782; roll made up to May 31, 1782; service, 3 mos. 8 days; enlistment, 5 months. Frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley; receipt for wages to May 10, 1783. (1/216)

Ames, Moses. Corporal of Marines, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. S. Nicholson; engaged Feb. 23, 1782; roll made up to May 31, 1782; service, 3 mos. 8 days; engagement, 5 months; reported re-entered service. Frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley; receipt for wages to May 10, 1783. (1/221)

Amey, Tobias. Receipt for wages to May 10, 1783, for service on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley, dated May 13, 1783. (1/224)

Audiburt or Audebert, Isaiah. Midshipman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. S. Nicholson; engaged Nov. 20, 1781; roll made up to May 31, 1782; service, 6 mos. 11 days. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (1/350)

Barcheley, George. Receipt for wages for service on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley, to May 10, 1783, dated Boston. (1/594)

Barker, Josiah. Receipt for wages to May 10, 1783; service on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (1/617)

Barnard, Silas, Receipt for wages to May 10, 1783, for service on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (1/637)

Belingham, Anthony. Receipt for wages for service on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, to May 10, 1783 [service not given]. (1/905)

Bennet, William. Drummer, brigantine “Tyrannicide,” commanded by Capt. John Cathcart; engaged July 1, 1779; discharged Sept. 6, 1779; service, 2 mos. 6 days; also, Drummer, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Jan. 21, 1782; roll made up to May 31, 1782; service, 4 mos. 10 days; engagement, 12 months. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (1/954)

Blake, John. Seaman, frigate “Boston,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Tucker; engaged March 23, 1779 [service not given]; also, warrant to pay officers and crew of the brigantine “Pallas,” commanded by Capt. James Johnson, for service on expedition to Penobscot from July 3, 1779, to Aug. 20, 1779; also, Seaman, ship “Mars,” commanded by Capt. Simeon Samson; engaged July 19, 1780; discharged March 12, 1781; service, 7 mos. 23 days; also, Seaman, ship “Mars,” commanded by Capt. James Nevins; engaged April 18, 1781; discharged June 12, 1781; service, 1 mo. 24 days; roll dated Boston; also, Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson ; engaged Nov. 20, 1781; roll made np to May 31, 1782; service, 6 mos. 11 days; also, receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, dated May 31, 1783. (2/132)

Blanchard, Zaccheus. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley; receipt given by Joseph Blanchard, father of said Zaccheus Blanchard. (2/157)

Blood, Edmund. Receipt for wages for service on the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, to May 10, 1783. (2/203)

Blood, Noah. Receipt for wages for service to March 21, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, given by virtue of a certificate from the selectmen of Groton. (2/208)

Blood, Reuben. Receipt for wages for service to Feb. 27, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, given by virtue of a certificate from the selectmen of Groton. (2/209)

Blood, Royal. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 25, 1782; roll made up to May 31, 1782; service, 3 mos. 6 days; engagement, 5 months; also, receipt for wages for service to July 25, 1782, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, dated Boston, Aug. 20, 1783. (2/209)

Bolt, Thomas. Receipt for wages to May 10, 1783, for service on the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, dated June 7, 1783. (2/247)

Bowers, Jerathmeel. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (2/335)

Bradford, Richard. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 17, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 14 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (2/406)

Bremar, Peter. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (2/460)

Bremont, Alexis. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 19, 1781; engagement, 12 months; reported turned over to the “Alliance” Dec. 21, 1781; also, receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (2/460)

Bright, George. Midshipman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Oct. 7, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 7 mos. 24 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (2/535)

Brown, James. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (2/634)

Brown, John. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 14, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 17 days. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (2/650)

Bruce, Louis. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (2/715)

Byram, Stephen. Receipt given to Thomas Russell for wages to Feb. 18, 1783, for service on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt given to Thomas Russell for wages to May 10, 1783, for service on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (2/983)

Call, John. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (3/26)

Cashman, James. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, given to Thomas Russell. (3/190)

Casson, Miles. Acting Midshipman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged April 18, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 1 mo. 13 days; also, receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt signed by Thomas Lambert for wages, etc., due said Casson for service from May 10, 1783, to Aug. 30, 1783, 3 mos. 20 days, on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (3/193)

Champney, Benjamin. Receipt dated Boston, July 27, 1784, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on frigate “Hague.” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (3/278)

Chase, Richard. Receipt given to Thomas Russell for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (3/364)

Check, Robert. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (3/374)

Cochran, Nathaniel. Receipt dated July 31, 1783, for wages to May 10, 1783, for service on frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (3/697)

Con, James. Receipt dated June 2, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (3/870)

Cooper, John. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (3/978)

Corkran, Richard. Receipt dated July 31, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt dated Oct. 13, 1783, for wages for service from May 10, 1783, to Aug. 30, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (3/1006)

Creps, Francis. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/105)

Crooker, Tilden. Sergeant of Marines, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Oct. 10, 1781; service to May 31, 1781, 7 mos. 21 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 17, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/143)

Crosby, Paul. Receipt dated May 20, 1783, signed by Samson Crosby, father of said Paul, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/155)

Crosman, Joseph. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/162)

Cubben John. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged. Jan. 28, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 4 mos. 3 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 22, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/199)

Cumberford, Edward. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Jan. 1, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos.; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 22, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/207)

Dana, Luther. Receipt dated Sept. 25, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley (4/388)

Davis, Cornelius. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/477)

Davis, Israel. Landsman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 1, 1781; service, to May 31, 1782, 7 mos.; engagement, 12 mouths; reported carpenter’s yeoman. Receipt dated May 22, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/493)

Davis, Rufus. Seaman, State brig “Hazard,” commanded by Capt. John Foster Williams; engaged July 3, 1778; discharged Oct. 14, 1778; service, 3 mos. 13 days; also. Seaman, brigantine “Tyrannicide,” commanded by Capt. John Cathcart; engaged May 20, 1779; discharged June 23, 1779; service, 1 mo. 3 days; also. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 22, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 9 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/536)

Day, Joseph. Receipt dated June 4, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/578)

Dearing, Daniel. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 20, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 11 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/627)

Deavis, John. Receipt dated Boston, May 12, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/629)

Denny, John. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, dated May 13, 1783. (4/686)

Devereux, Thomas. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/705)

Dillaway, Arthur. 2d Lieutenant, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged May 1, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 13 mos. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt for wages from May 19, 1783, to Oct. 15, 1783, for service on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. Manley. (4/771)

Drew, Charles. Receipt dated May 21, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (4/970)

Dunnel, Jacob. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (5/61)

Duty, John. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, given by Mary Duty, for wages for service of said John Duty to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (5/104)

Ellinwood, James. Receipt signed by Ralph Ellinwood, for wages of said James Ellinwood for service to Feb. 29, 1783, on board frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manly. (5/285)

Ellis, John. Carpenter’s Mate, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Oct. 10, 1781; service to May 31, 1782,7 mos. 21 days; engagement, 12 months. Receipt dated July 9, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (5/308)

Emerson, Sewall. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (5/351)

Farwell, William. Receipt dated Dec. 15, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, entered to the credit of Farwell and later paid to Amos Ames, Jr., by order dated Jan. 3, 1786. (5/559)

Fitz Gerald, Thomas. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (5/743)

Fleming, Henry. Receipt signed by John French, on behalf of said Fleming, for wages for service on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley [year not given] (5/767)

Fleming, William. Midshipman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged May 1, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 13 mos.; engagement, 12 months. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (5/768)

Foss, Thomas. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (5/884)

Fremio, Peter. Receipt dated May 30, 1783, signed by Susannah, given to Thomas Russell, for wages for service of said Fremio to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (6/60)

French, Joseph. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/82)

French, Samuel. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/91)

Frost, Jonathan. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 25, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 6 days; engagement, 5 months. Receipt dated June 27, 1783, for wages for service to July 25, 1782, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/116)

Furmer, Peter. Receipt dated May 16, 1783, given to Thomas Russell, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (6/207)

Gallard, James. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 11, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 20 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/237)

Garnett, Laban. Boy, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 5, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 26 days; engagement, 5 months; also, receipt dated June 26, 1783, for wages for service to July 5, 1782, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/293)

Glover, Jonathan. Receipt dated May 24, 1783, signed by Mary Glover, mother of said Glover, for wages for his service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (6/510)

Gowens, John. Receipt dated June 2, 1783, signed by Joseph Gowens for wages due his brother, said John Gowens, for service to Feb. 25, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/696)

Gowing, Ezekiel. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/697)

Gragg, Samuel. Pilot, State brig “Hazard,” commanded by Capt. John Foster Williams; engaged July 3, 1778; discharged Oct. 16, 1778; service, 3 mos. 13 days; also. Pilot, frigate “Boston,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Tucker; engaged Dec. 4, 1778 [service not given]; also, receipt dated June 26, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/707)

Grant, Ebenezer. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/726)

Grant, Thomas. Receipt dated June 26, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/737)

Green, Edward. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/801)

Gregory, David. Seaman, ship “General Mifflin,” commanded by Capt. George Wait Babcock; descriptive list of officers and crew, sworn to at Boston, Sept. 9, 1780; age, 30 yrs.; complexion, light; residence, Massachusetts; also, receipt signed by said Gregory, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/868)

Groose, Thomas. Receipt dated June 18, 1783, signed by Isaac Josselyn, for wages due said Groose for service to July 2, 1782, on board frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (6/906)

Hacker, John. Acting Midshipman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 6, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 25 days; reported appointed Coxswain March 1, 1782; also, receipt dated May 30, 1783, signed by said Hacker, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/4)

Harris, John. Receipt dated May 13, 1784, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/349)

Hastings, Samuel. Receipt dated June 11, 1783, for wages to March 28, 1783, for service on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/475)

Hatch, Luther. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/497)

Hawkins, Joseph. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 22, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 9 days; also, receipt dated June 20, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/559)

Hemmenway, Ebenezer. Receipt dated Sept. 2, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/712)

Hemmingway, David. Receipt dated Sept. 2, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/713)

Henderson, John. Receipt dated Boston, May 12, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/1)

Herrick, John. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/763)

Hibbard, Timothy. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 23, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 8 days; also, receipt dated May 31, 1783, for wages to May 10, 1783, for service on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/812)

Hillaburt, Reuben. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/910)

Hindy, Thomas. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (7/941)

Hogarth, Hugh. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, signed by said Hogarth, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/59)

Holden, Oliver. Receipts dated June 4, and Dec. 5, 1783, signed by said Holden, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/110)

Holeten, Richard. Receipt dated June 4, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/124)

Honyman, James. Receipt dated May 21, 1783, signed by Elizabeth Honyman, mother of said Honyman, for wages for his service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/213)

Hosley, John. Receipt dated June 18, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (8/286)

Hoton, Isaac. Receipt dated May 11, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/293)

Hubbard, Joseph. Receipt dated May 27, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/435)

Hunt, Samuel. Boy, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 14, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 17 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 29, 1783, signed by Elizabeth Hunt, for wages due her son, said Hunt, for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/538)

Hunter, John. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, signed by said Hunter, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/549)

Jackson, Eleazer. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/664)

Jackson, Henry W. (also given Harry W.). Master s Mate, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 27, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 4 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 27, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/669)

Jackson, Josiah. Quarter Gunner, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 14, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 17 days; engagement, 12 months. Receipt dated Boston, May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/679)

James, Edward. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/708)

Jeffers, Peter. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 7, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 24 days; engagement, 12 months. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/733)

Jenkins, John. Receipt dated June 3, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/753)

Jennings, Peter. Seaman, ship “Protector,” commanded by Capt. John Foster Williams; engaged Oct. 23, 1780; returned from captivity May 9, 1781; service, 6 mos. 16 days; also receipt dated May 22, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/771)

Jennison, Samuel. Receipt dated May 21, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/775)

Johnson, Jonathan. Receipt dated Boston, May 12, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/851)

Johnston, Adam. Receipt for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (8/884)

Keen, Tubal. Acting Midshipman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 18, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 13 days; also, receipt dated Boston, April 19, 1784, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/20)

Keith, Timothy. Seaman, ship “Mars,” commanded by Capt. Simeon Samson; engaged July 20, 1780; discharged March 12, 1781; service, 7 mos. 22 days; also. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 20, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 11 days; also, receipt dated May 31, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/41)

Kilby, James. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/184)

Kingsley, Uriah. Receipts dated May 14, 1783, and Oct. 30, 1783, signed by said Kingsley, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/301)

Knies, Michael. Midshipman, ship ” Alfred,” commanded by Capt. John Paul Jones ; list of men entitled to prize shares in the ship ” Mellish ” and brig “Active” [year not given]; also, 3d Lieutenant, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson ; engaged May 1, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 13 mos.; also, receipt dated July 7, 1783, signed by Susanna Knies, administratrix, for wages due her late husband, said Knies, for service to Feb. 27, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (9/341)

Knox, James. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 22, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 9 days; also, receipt dated May 20, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/392)

Lambert, James. Ship’s Steward, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Sept. 24, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 8 mos. 7 days; engagement, 12 months. Receipt dated May 24, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/442)

Lane, William. Receipt dated May 23, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/485)

Lang, Thomas. Receipt dated Boston, May 12, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/487)

Langdon, Richard. Purser, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged May 1, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 13 mos.; also, receipt dated June 28, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt dated Dec. 15, 1783, for wages for service from May 10, 1783, to Aug. 29, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/490)

Lannan, Peter. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/500)

Larrabee, John. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/523)

Lawrence or Lawrance, Benjamin. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 25, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 6 days. (9/563) Receipt dated July 14, 1783, for wages for service to July 23, 1782, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/554)

Lawrance, Levi. Receipt dated June 18, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/559)

Lawrence, Rogers. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 23, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 8 days; engagement, 5 months. Receipt dated May 30, 1783, signed by Asa Lawrence, father of said Lawrence, for wages due his son for service to July 25, 1782, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/569)

Lawrence, Sebastian. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/570)

Lewis, David. Receipt dated May 21, 1783, signed by Oliver Parker, for wages due said Lewis for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/735)

Lewis, Elisha. Seaman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Oct. 15, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 7 mos. 16 days; reported a deserter from the “Alliance.” Receipt dated May 16, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/738)

Little, William. Receipt dated June 12, 1783, for wages for service to Feb. 23, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/873)

Locke, John. Receipt dated June 19, 1783, signed by James Locke, for wages due said John Locke for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/907)

Lovejoy, John. Receipt dated June 26, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/993)

Lovejoy, Nathan. Receipt dated Aug. 22, 1783, signed by Apphia Lovejoy, for wages due said Nathan Lovejoy, deceased, for service to April 17, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/994)

Lovejoy, Theodore. Receipt dated June 26, 1783, for wages for service to Ma}- 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/997)

Lovering, Samuel. Acting Midshipman, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 12, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 19 days. Receipt dated May 23, 1783, for wages for service from May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/1013)

Lowell, John. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (9/1040)

Lucky, William. Quarter Master, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 8, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 23 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 29, 1783, for wages for service to April 2, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/16)

Malcom, John. Tailor, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Jan. 29, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 4 mos. 2 days; engagement, 12 months. Receipt dated May 16, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/153)

Manley, John. Council warrant dated April 26, 1777, for £400, drawn in favor of said Manley, Commander of the ship ” Hancock,” to enable him to put his ship to sea ; also, petition dated Boston, Dec. 11, 1778, signed by Stephen Bruce, in behalf of himself and others, of Boston, asking that said Manley be commissioned as commander of the ship ” Cumberland ” (privateer) ; ordered in Council Dec. 14, 1778, that a commission be issued ; also, petition dated Boston, June 2, 1779, signed by Mungo Mackay, in behalf of himself and others, of Boston, asking that said Manley be commissioned as commander of the ship ‘ Jason” (privateer); ordered in Council June 2, 1779, that a commission be issued ; also. Captain, frigate “Hague;” receipt dated Sept. 27, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board said vessel. (10/177)

McCan, Patrick. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/418)

McCarthy, Daniel. Receipt dated Oct. 30, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/421)

McCarty, Andrew. Receipt dated May 19, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/421)

McCaver, Robert. Master, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged May 1, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 13 mos. Receipt dated Oct. 28, 1783, for wages for service to Oct. 15, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/424)

McClanning, Prince. Marine, frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Jan. 20, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 4 mos. 11 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 28, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/429)

McElheron, William. Receipt dated June 7, 1783, signed by said McElheron, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manly. (10/474)

McIntyre, Donald. Receipt dated Boston, May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/514)

McKensie, Alexander. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/523)

Merry, Patrick. Receipt dated May 17, 1783, signed by said Merry, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/691)

Miller, Leonard. Seaman, ship “Protector,” commanded by Capt. John Foster Williams; engaged Nov. 27, 1780; discharged Aug. 27, 1781; service, 9 mos.; also, receipt dated May 17, 1783, signed by Sarah Miller, for wages due her husband, said Miller, for service to Feb. 19, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. J. Manley. (10/766)

Molloy, Edward. Quarter Master, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 8, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 23 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 26, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (10/870)

Mullin, William. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/194)

Muncoy, Daniel. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 21, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 10 days; engagement, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/199)

Munn, John. Marine, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged March 1,1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos.; engagement, 5 months; also, receipt dated May 31, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/205)

Murphy, John. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 20, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 11 days; engagement, 12 months. Receipt dated May 16, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/239)

Murphy, Richard. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/240)

Murphy, Thomas. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 20, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 11 days; engagement, 12 months. Receipt dated May 24, 1783, signed by James Bourk, for wages due said Murphy for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/240)

Murray, Francis. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/242)

Murray, Peter. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, signed by Elizabeth Fisk, for wages due said Murray for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/243)

Myers, Michael. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/260)

Nicholson, Samuel. Captain, Continental frigate “Deane;” engaged Oct. 10, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 7 mos. 21 days. Receipt dated Oct. 28, 1783, for wages for service to Sept. 14, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/437)

Nicols, John. Receipt dated Boston, May 12, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/461)

Norris, Hugh. Receipt dated May 14, 1782, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/513)

Page, Benjamin. 1st Lieutenant, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Sept. 13, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 8 mos. 18 days. Receipt dated July 21, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt dated Sept. 2, 1783, for wages for service from May 10, 1783, to Sept. 1, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/756)

Page, Thomas. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 12, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 19 days. Receipt dated June 9, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/770)

Page, William. Gunner, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 26, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 4 days. Receipt dated May 31, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/772)

Palmer, Francis. Receipt dated May 11, 1783, signed by Richard Palmer, father of said Palmer, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/800)

Palmer, Richard. Receipt dated June 11, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt dated Dec. 4, 1783, for wages for service from May 10, 1783, to Aug. 29, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/806)

Palmer, Samuel. Receipt dated Boston, May 23, 1783, for wages for service to June 11, 1782, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/806)

Parker, Ben Woods. Receipt dated June 11, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/837)

Parker, Imla. Marine, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 26, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 5 days; term, 5 months; reported re-entered; also, receipt dated June 11, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/860)

Parker, William. Marine, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 25, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 6 days; term, 5 months; reported re-entered. Receipt dated May 30, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/910)

Patterson, Andrew. Cook, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 21, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 10 days. Receipt dated Oct. 10, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (11/1022-3)

Pedley, William. Armorer, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 16, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 15 days; term, 12 months. Receipt dated May 21, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/64)

Peirce, Walter. Receipt dated June 7, 1783, signed by Lois Peirce, for wages due her son, said Walter Peirce, for service on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/102)

Pike, James. Receipt dated May 17, 1783, signed by Rebecca Blanch, for wages due said Pike for service to Dec. 14, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/400)

Pillsbury, Chase. Marine, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Jan. 22, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 1 mos. 9 days; term, 12 months. (12/415) Pilsbury, Chase. Receipt dated May 16, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/418)

Pinney, Philaster. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, signed by said Pinney, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/429)

Poor, David. Receipt dated Oct. 30, 1783, for wages due said Poor for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/557)

Power, Jacob. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/645)

Powers, Peter. Receipt dated June 12, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/656)

Prat, David. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/661)

Prebble, Henry. Receipt dated Oct. 28, 1783, signed by Arthur Dillaway, for wages for service of said Prebble and Thomas Spencer to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt dated Oct. 28, 1783, signed by Arthur Dillaway, for wages and rations for service of said Prebble and himself on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/732)

Prockter, William. Receipt dated May 20, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/800)

Ramsdale, Joseph. Receipt dated June 7, 1783, for wages for service to July 2, 1782, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/912)

Ramsdale, Lot. Receipt dated Oct. 23, 1783, signed by Isaac Josselyn, for wages of said Ramsdale for service to Feb. 29, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/912)

Ray, James. Receipt dated May 16, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (12/995)

Reed, Eliphaz. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 10, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 15 days; engagement, 12 months; said Reed s wages reported as having been paid to Capt. Nicholson and jail fees, 1 9s 8d, also reported as having been paid for him. Receipt dated May 24, 1783, signed by Jeremiah Shuttle-worth, for wages due said Reed for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/61)

Reed, Jeremiah. 1st Lieutenant of Marines, frigate “Boston,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Tucker ; engaged Dec. 3, 1778; roll made up for advance pay for 1 month ; also, Lieutenant of Marines, Continental frigate ” Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson ; engaged Nov. 15, 1781 ; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 10 days ; also, receipt dated July 3, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on hoard the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley ; also, receipt dated Dec. 5, 1783, for wages and rations for service from May 10, 1783, to Aug. 29, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. Manley. (13/72)

Reed, Samuel. Receipt dated Sept. 25, 1783, signed by William Reed, for wages due his son, said Samuel Reed, deceased, for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/91)

Richards, George. Chaplain, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 2, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 29 days. Receipt dated June 2, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/206)

Rider, Richard. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/316)

Rieley, John. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/328)

Riley, John, 2d. Receipt signed by William Pratt for wages due said Riley for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/336)

Riley, Joseph. Seaman, Continental frigate ” Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 15, 1781: service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 16 days; term, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 22, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/336)

Robbins, Henry. Quarter Master, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 2, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 29 days; term, 12 months. Receipt dated May 22, 1783, signed by Hannah Robbins, for wages due her husband, said Robbins, for service to Jan. 20, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/377)

Rogers, John. Receipt dated Boston, May 12, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/511)

Ruddock, Edward. Carpenter, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Sept. 4, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 8 mos. 27 days; also, receipt dated Oct. 30, 1783, for wages for service to July 23, 1782, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (13/644)

Shannant, Michael. Seaman, Continental frigate ” Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 25, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 6 days; also, receipt dated May 21, 1783, signed by Helyer Tanner, for wages due said Shannant for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/9)

Shattuck, Joel. Receipt dated June 4, 1783, signed by Ebenezer Shattuck, for wages due said Joel Shattuck for service to May 16, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/25)

Shed, Daniel. Receipt dated June 4, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/90)

Simmonds, Edward. Captain of Marines, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 1, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. Receipt dated Boston, May 12, 1783, signed by said Simmonds for wages for service to Sept. 9, 1782, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/224)

Skillins, Nehemiah. Receipt dated May 26, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/274)

Smith, Elijah. Captain of Marines, Continental frigate ” Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 6, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 25 days; term, 5 months. Receipt dated May 16, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on hoard the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/389)

Smith, Thomas. Receipt dated May 17, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/564)

Spencer, Anthony. Ordinary Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 28, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 2 days; term, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 20, 1783, signed by Bartholomew Broaders, for wages due said Spencer for service to Feb. 18, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt dated June 9, 1783, signed by Bartholomew Broaders, for wages due said Spencer for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. Manley. (14/716)

Spencer, Thomas. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged May 1, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 13 mos. ; term, 12 months; reported as apprentice to Lieut. Dillaway; also reported absent 1 mo.; also, receipt dated Oct. 28, 1783, signed by Arthur Dillaway, for wages due said Spencer for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/722)

Sprague, Samuel. Boy, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Jan. 1, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. Receipt dated May 20, 1783, signed by Samuel Sprague, for wages due his son, said Samuel Sprague, for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/761)

Stephenson, John. Receipt dated May 23, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, onboard the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/925)

Stephenson, William. Receipt dated June 7, 1783, signed by Elizabeth Davison and Jasper Hall Stephenson, sister and brother, respectively, of said William Stephenson, for wages due him for service to March 24, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/927)

Stevens, Isaac. Receipt dated May 28, 1783, signed by Seth Stevens, for wages due said Isaac Stevens for service to April 20, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, received of Thomas Russell, Esq., on an order of Mary Bumpus, mother of said Stevens. (14/961)

Stevens, John. Receipt dated July 10, 1784, signed by Peter Stevens, for wages due said John Stevens for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/969)

Stevens, Peter. Receipt dated July 9, 1784, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (14/978)

Sticknee, Paul. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/3)

St. Medard, Peter. Surgeon’s Mate, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged May 1, 1781; service to May 31, 1782; term, 12 months ; reported promoted to Chief Surgeon Oct. 24, 1781 ; also, receipt signed by said St. Medard, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley ; also, receipt dated Dec. 5, 1783, signed by said St. Medard, for wages for service from May 10, 1783, to Aug. 29, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/39)

Stocker, Enoch. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/44)

Stodder, Isaiah. Receipt dated July 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/72)

Stoder, Zenas. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/77)

Sullivan, John. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/247)

Sumner, Samuel. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, signed by Benjamin Clough Sumner, for wages due said Samuel Sumner for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/259)

Tanner, Helyer. Master’s Mate, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged May 1, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 13 mos.; term, 12 months; also, receipt dated Aug. 18, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt dated Oct. 18, 1783, for wages for service from May 10, 1783, to Aug. 30, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/379)

Tarbell, Oliver. Receipt dated May 30, 1783, signed by Henry “Woods by virtue of Mrs. Lucy Tarbell’s order, for wages due said Tarbell for service to Feb. 17, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/388)

Taylor, Thomas. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 21, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 10 days. Receipt dated May 16, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/460)

Taylor, Thomas, 1st. Receipt dated Jan. 19, 1784, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/460)

Teague, Charles. Receipt dated May 19, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/466)

Thompson, John. Receipt dated June 5, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/644)

Thompson, William. Receipt dated May 19, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/664)

Thompson, William. Receipt dated June 28, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/664)

Thornley, James. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (15/693)

Tracey, Thomas. Receipt dated July 22. 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt dated Oct. 27, 1783, for wages for service from May 10, 1783, to Oct. 14, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. Manley. (16/3)

Trigance or Trigancy, Joseph. Receipt dated July 26, 1783, signed by said Trigance, Chirurgeon, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. Assistant Surgeon’s Mate, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 30, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. (16/51)

Tripp, Jesse. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, signed by said Tripp, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (16/57)

Wail or Wails, Wait, John. Boy, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 7, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 24 days; term, 12 months; reported as apprentice to Lieut. Page. (16/386) John Wails. Receipt dated July 21, 1783, signed by Benjamin Page, for wages due said Wails [or service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (16/388) Wait, John. Individual clothing account [year not given] grouped with other clothing accounts of men probably belonging to the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, presumably covering clothing and materials supplied them in 1783; said Wait, apprentice to Benjamin Page, credited with £21 35 9d. (16/396)

Wakefield, Peter. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (16/411)

Wall, George. Marine, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 2.), 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 11 days; term, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (16/491)

Wallis, Ebenezer. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Nov. 23, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 6 mos. 8 days; also, receipt dated Nov. 7, 1783, signed by James Hughes, for wages due said Wallis for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (16/503)

Waterman, William. Lieutenant of Marines, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Oct. 29, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 7 mos. 2 days; also, receipt dated Oct. 28, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley; also, receipt dated Dec. 5, 1783, for wages for service from May 10, 1783, to Aug. 29, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (16/692)

Watley or Whatley, William. Receipt dated June 6, 1783, signed by Eleanor Raymond, mother of said Watley, for wages due him for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (16/705) See also William Whatley. Receipt dated May 16, 1783, signed by said Whatley, for wages for service to Feb. 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (16/948)

Whitney, Solomon. Marine, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 25, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos. 6 days; term, 5 months; reported re-engaged; also, receipt dated Sept. 19, 1783, signed by Obadiah Sawtell, administrator, for wages for service of said Whitney on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/250)

Wilcut, Joseph. Individual clothing account [year not given], grouped with other clothing accounts of men probably belonging to the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, presumably covering clothing and materials supplied them in 1783; said Wilcut credited with £28 9s 10d and charged with £16 6s 4d. (17/326)

Wilder, Calvin. Receipt dated Boston, Sept. 9, 1784, signed by Jacob Bennitt, administrator to the estate of said Wilder, who died Feb. 20, 1783, for wages due him for service on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/335)

Wilkins, Bray. Receipt dated June 12, 1783, signed by Bartholomew Raymond and others, for wages due said Wilkins for service to May 20, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manly. (17/370)

Wilkins, Jonathan. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/372)

Willard, Joseph. Receipt dated May 17, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/389)

Williams, James. Williams, James. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 7, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 24 days; term, 12 months. Receipt dated Aug. 9, 1783, signed by William Burroughs, Administrator, for wages due said Williams for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/442-3)

Williams, John. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Feb. 28, 1782; service to May 31, 1782; term, 12 months; reported “Run.” Receipt dated Oct. 30, 1783, for wages due said Williams for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/455)

Williamson, James. Landsman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged March 1, 1782; service to May 31, 1782, 3 mos.; term, 12 months; also, receipt dated July 17, 1783, signed by Samuel Goodridge, for wages due said Williamson for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley (17/491)

Willis, Samuel. Individual clothing account [year not given], grouped with other clothing accounts of men probably belonging to the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, presumably covering clothing and materials supplied them in 1783; said Willis credited with £22 17s 8d and charged with £11 8s 10d; balance of wages reported as having been paid to Dr. Adam Johnston. (17/513)

Wills, John. Receipt dated May 16, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/530)

Winslow, William. Boy, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Oct. 18, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 7 mos. 13 days; engagement, 12 months; reported as Lieut. Page’s apprentice; also, receipt dated July 21, 1783, signed by Benjamin Page, for wages due said Winslow, his apprentice, for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/644)

Winzer, Josiah. Receipt dated July 31, 1783, signed by Richard Corkran, for wages due said Winzer for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate ” Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/653)

Witherell, Oliver. Seaman, Continental frigate “Deane,” commanded by Capt. Samuel Nicholson; engaged Dec. 29, 1781; service to May 31, 1782, 5 mos. 2 days; term, 12 months; also, receipt dated May 31, 1783, signed by Seth Hatch, for wages due said Witherell for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/678)

Wood, Abel. Receipt dated May 13, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/714)

Wright, Alexander. Individual clothing account [year not given], grouped with other clothing accounts of men probably belonging to the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley, presumably covering clothing and materials supplied them in 1783; said Wright credited with £A 19s lid and charged with £2 17s 10d (17/915)

Wright, John. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, signed by said Wright, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/938)

Wright, Samuel. Receipt dated June 4, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/957)

Young, Samuel. Receipt dated May 14, 1783, for wages for service to May 10, 1783, on board the frigate “Hague,” commanded by Capt. John Manley. (17/1034)

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