HMS Emerald Muster Roll of Virginia Men (April 1778)

This List of 75 Officers and Men of the Frigate Virginia captured on 31 March 1778 and entered on the muster of HMS Emerald (ADM 36/7830) was transcribed at the National Archives in Kew, England by Joseph and Joshua Ross in February 2014. Seventy-two of the men were entered on the Emerald on 31 March with three more marked with + sign entered on 1 April. A total of 26 officers and men marked with an * asterick were exchanged on 11 April 1778. All others were subsequently entered on the muster of HMS St. Albans on 12 April 1778 which carried the remaining prisoners not exchanged to New York City where they were distributed among the prison ships Judith, Preston and Thunder Bomb.

The 30-gun Continental frigate Virginia was taken without a fight on Tuesday 31 March 1778 by British frigates Emerald and Richmond after losing her rudder and running aground in the Chesapeake Bay while attempting to evade the enemy. According to Emerald’s Captain Benjamin Caldwell, the frigate Richmond joined the Emerald at ten in the morning and “at Noon employed bringing the Prisoners onboard.” The afternoon was spent boarding the American prisoners but before Emerald “weigh’d and made Sail with the Prize” that evening, crewman Bartholomew Kelly was punished “with 12 Lashes, for quarreling and fighting”.

The circumstances and details of the 11 April 1778 exchange of 26 officers and men belonging to the frigate Virginia is not entirely clear. It appears that fourteen of that number were presented by Lieutenant Joshua Barney for exchange prior to the St. Albans departure for New York on 14 April 1778 based on a letter from Emerald’s Captain Benjamin Caldwell to the Virginia’s former commander Captain James Nicholson dated 30 April 1778. “I this evening received your letter to Captn: Onslow, of the 25th. instant, who left this the 14th, and carried with him to New York, all the officers and Crew of the Virginia you left behind;—having waited, (as he informed me,) more than a reasonable time for an answer, to his letters, relative to a general exchange of them. Mr: Burney has brought fourteen people, to be exchanged, and as we have but two prisoners at present on board, the remaining twelve, I give a receipt for, and shall write to New York, to have that number of your people Returned immediately, which no doubt will be done.” Another later letter from Caldwell to British Commodore William Hotham dated 14 May also speaks about an exchange, although it is not certain if it is the same one. “I have received twelve men from Baltimore in exchange for twelve of the Virginia’s Crew, and promissed that twelve should be exchanged for them, as per list inclosed.” Interestingly the fourteen of the first letter and the twelve of the second result in a sum of 26, the precise number of men exchanged on 11 April 1778.

John Sleymaker
Joshua Barney
Thomas Pownal
William Barney *
David Murron *
Charles Chelton *
Liven Langret *
Thomas Jennings
James Fulton
Samuel Murron *
Peter Sharp *
Alexander Duffy *
Thomas James
James Ragan
John Grimes
Stephen Burn *
Thomas Seymour *
Jacob Tycen *
John Walter *
Benjamin Thompson *
John Young
Jacob Long *
John Radley *
Joseph Halston *
Denis Larken
Shed’k Davis *
David Brenan
Robert Lambert
Sim’n Benjamin
John Dick
Denis Coleman
Edward Bolf
John McKew
James Stackaball
Michael Carney
Henry Lawrence
Richard Clarke
Thomas Eunich
Lau’e Molten
James Stephenson
Anthony Higgins
John Grant
George Teague *
Will Guthrie *
Richard Foster *
Andrew Moor
Richard Jones *
Michael Neigle
Alexander Burrell *
George Clark *
John Killen
John Herring
Patrick Lynch
John McFerline
George Gilles
Henry Mills
William Anderson
James Wallace
David Spring *
Clement Cannon *
Samuel Ropkins *
Jervis Boswell
Matthew Richards
Hampton Round *
Henry Spencer
Joseph Newton
James Lynch
Joseph Griffiths
John Power
Will Rice
Anthony Hanson
Anthony Remey
Thomas Nelson +
Joshua Tull +
Anthony Bell +

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HMS Richmond Muster Roll of Virginia Men (April 1778)

This List of 30 Officers and Men of the Frigate Virginia captured on 31 March 1778 and entered on the muster of HMS Richmond (ADM 36/7833) on 1 April 1778 was transcribed at the National Archives in Kew, England by Joseph and Joshua Ross in February 2014. All were subsequently entered on the muster of HMS St. Albans on 13 April 1778 which carried the remaining prisoners not exchanged on 11 April 1778 to New York City where they were distributed among the prison ships Judith, Preston and Thunder Bomb.

The 30-gun Continental frigate Virginia (James Nicholson) was taken without a fight on Tuesday 31 March 1778 by British frigates Emerald and Richmond after losing her rudder and running aground in the Chesapeake Bay while attempting to evade the enemy. According to Emerald’s Captain Benjamin Caldwell, the frigate Richmond joined the Emerald at ten in the morning and “at Noon employed bringing the Prisoners onboard.” The Journal of Captain John Lewis Gidoin concurs with Caldwell’s account that the afternoon was spent with “Boats Empd [employed] bringing prisoners from the Virginia”. The day was also noted for the death of Richmond’s carpenter William Stubbs.

William Jackson
Richard Wisewau
John Lee
Jacob Fox
Timothy Burn
William Padeson
Boswell James
Philip Sovel
Daniel McDonald
John Langdon
Charles Fay
Aaron Williams
Joshua William Morgan
Walter Taylor
John Baptist Roberts
Peter duRask (Kask)
Jeremiah Brun
Frederick McDonald
Peter Fems
Joseph Day
John Jones
Isaac Pirris
Richards Watts
Joseph McGrigor
John Mathews
John King
Charles Endele
Joseph Jimes
Thomas Dunnick
Thomas Osoncoatt

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Alphabetical List of Officers and Men of the Frigate Virginia captured on 31 March 1778

The Alphabetical List of 124 Officers and Men of the Frigate Virginia captured on 31 March 1778 is derived from the rolls of the HMS Emerald (ADM 36/7830), HMS Richmond (ADM 36/7833) and HMS St. Albans (ADM 36/7857) transcribed at the National Archives in Kew, England by Joseph and Joshua Ross in February 2014. The list has been edited to offer a complete spelling of the abbreviated Christian name in order to assist internet browsing and has been annotated to include various derivations of names in brackets from entries in all three British vessels. The list includes rate or quality if noted in the Muster records.

The 30-gun Continental frigate Virginia (James Nicholson) was taken without a fight on 31 March 1778 by British frigates Emerald (Benjamin Caldwell) and Richmond (John Lewis Gidoin) after losing her rudder and running aground in the Chesapeake Bay while attempting to evade the enemy. Normally carrying a compliment of 170 men, many had been left behind on the Virginia’s tender when the frigate left Annapolis, including Lieutenant John Fanning and Captain of Marines Thomas Plunkett. In a controversial manner, Captain James Nicholson left the vessel with nine volunteers in the ship’s barge just before her capture. Reporting to Vice Admiral Viscount Howe on 3 April 1778, Emerald’s commander Captain Benjamin Caldwell writes, “ I have the honour to acquaint Your Lordship, of our having taking the Rebel Frigate Virginia, of thirty Guns and one hundred and Fifty Nine Men, (there was many more Men belonging to Her, but some were Sick on Shore, and others left behind).

The thirty-five men not entered in the musters of Emerald, Richmond and St. Albans were probably on the Emerald’s tender Conqueror, sloop Senegal, ship Ariel, remained on board the Virginia assisting in rudder repairs and sailing the crippled prize or entered into British service. Examination of the Senegal’s Muster (ADM 36/7770) or Ariel’s Muster (ADM 36/7937) and the Virginia’s Prize Court Records (HCA 32/475/14) shed no light on the matter. Afterward, the Virginia was libeled, condemned and taken into the Royal Navy on 19 May 1778 as HM frigate Virginia (John Orde) with her prize shares divided among Emerald, Richmond, St. Albans (Richard Onslow), Senegal (Anthony J.P. Molloy) and Ariel. The two American perspectives on the tragic loss of the frigate Virginia are captured in the narratives of the two Continental Navy protagonists, escaped Captain James Nicholson and imprisoned Lieutenant Joshua Barney.

Two days after the loss, Nicholson presents his defense to the Marine Committee of the Continental Congress explaining, “This will inform you of my misfortune in losing the Virginia, at three o’clock in the morning of the 31st ult. I had weighed from Annapolis at eight the preceding morning, and had taken the advantage of going down the Bay in company with a brig which had a pilot on board, supposed to be one of the best in the Bay, to whom I had agreed to give 100 provided he carried me out clear of the ground. The wind blew hard at N.W. and in every other respect it was a most favourable time; and altho’ my tender was absent with 19 hands, I thought it most adviseable to proceed. At the above mentioned time she struck on the Middle Ground, and in about an hour and an half beat over it, with the loss of her rudder, and making as much water as we could well clear her from with four pumps; in which case, we thought it was adviseable to come to an anchor until day light, when we found one of the enemy’s ships about two gunshots off, abreast of us, and another further up the Bay; upon which I hoisted out my barge, and took such of my crew as inclined to run the risque of getting on shore, viz. 10 including myself, and with the greatest difficulty I got on Cape Henry, where I waited until 10 o’clock, when I saw the two ships. I immediately went to Portsmouth, got a boat, and came on board the St. Alban’s with a flag, in order to procure the parole of my officers, which I expect to accomplish; after which I shall proceed to Baltimore, and from thence shall immediately wait on Congress. The Virginia is obliged to be towed, and is not yet got up.

Many years later Barney remembers in his autobiography, “… at day light we saw three of the Enemy’s Frigates near us, we had passed them; & the loss of our rudder prevented us getting to sea, the moment Capt. Nicholson saw the Enemy he ordered the Barge to be hoisted out & left us, not waiting to take his papers or even the private Signals with him & in that manner escaped onshore; so soon as he was gone I ordered the Cable cut, in order to run the Ship on shore at Cape Henry, which could very easily have been done, the wind being fair, but in this I was overruled by the other Lieut. & Pilot, who declared we could not approach the land so that all I could say was without effect: the men gave themselves up, broke open store & slop room got drunk &c & would do nothing. I then cut the Rudder away which hung by its ropes & at 10 O’clock the Enemy’s Frigate Emerald Capt. Caldwell came & took possession of our Ship… The next day Capt. Nicholson came on bd. in a Flag of Truce to enquire after his Cloaths, on which occasion I could not help upbraiding him with his conduct in quitting his ship the first man, who if he had remained onbd. there was not the least doubt but we should have ran the Ship on shore where she might have been destroyed by which means prevented her falling into the enemies hands & saved 300 men from being made prisoners.”

William Anderson
James Arn
Joshua Barney, 2nd Lieutenant
William Barney, Lieutenant of Marines
Anthony Bell
Simon Benjamin
Edward Bolf
Jervis Boswell
David Brenan
Jeremiah Brun
Thomas Burke
Stephen Burn, Midshipman
Timothy Burn
Alexander Burrell
Clement Cannon, Master’s Mate
Michael Carney
Charles Chelton, Purser
George Clark
Richard Clarke
Denis Coleman
Shed’k Davis
Joseph Day
Thomas Dennison
John Dick
Michael Dollas
Alexander Duffy, Master
Thomas Dunnick
Peter duRask
Charles Endele [Indle]
Thomas Eunich
Charles Fay
Peter Fems
Richard Foster
Jacob Fox
James Fulton, Surgeon’s 1st Mate
George Gilles [Giles]
John Grant
Joseph Griffiths
John Grimes
Will Guthrie
Joseph Halston
Anthony Hanson
Thomas Harcombe
John Herring
Anthony Higgins
William Jackson
Thomas James, Midshipman
Boswell James
Thomas Jennings
Joseph Jimes [Tims]
Jacob Jobb
Richard Jones
John Jones
Edward Kelly
John Killen, Captain’s Clerk
John King
Robert Lambert
John Langdon
Liven Langret, Master
Denis [Daniel] Larken
Richard Francis Larrimore
Henry Lawrence
John Lee
John Lomas
Jacob Long
Patrick Lynch
James Lynch
John Mathews
Daniel McDonald
Frederick McDonald
Charles McDonald
John McFerline
Joseph McGregor [McGrigor]
John McHenry
John McKew
James McMahon
Henry Mills
Lawrence Molten [Molton]
Andrew Moor [Moer]
Joshua William Morgan
David Murron, Surgeon
Samuel Murron, Surgeon’s 2nd Mate
Michael Neigle [Nigle]
Thomas Nelson
Joseph Newton
Thomas Osoncoatt
William Padeson
James Philips
Isaac Pirris
John Power
Thomas Pownal, 1st Lieutenant of Marines
John Radley
James Ragan
Anthony Remey [Renny]
Will Rice
Matthew Richards
Nathaniel Richards
John Baptist Roberts
Samuel Ropkins, Master’s Mate
Hampton Round, Midshipman
Thomas Seymour, AB
John Shanks
Peter Sharp, Midshipman
John Sleymaker, 1st Lieutenant
Philip Sovel
Henry Spencer, Carpenter
David Spring, Gunner
William Stack
James Stackable
James Stephenson
Walter Taylor
George Teague
John Thomas
Benjamin Thompson, Midshipman
Joshua Tull
Jacob Tycen, AB
James Wallace
John Walter, AB
Richard Watts
Thomas Westmuch
Aaron Williams
Richard Wisewau
Mathew Wright
John Young, Midshipman

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Confederacy Men entered into British Service on HMS Orpheus (April 1781)

List of Men from the “Confederacy Frigate” captured on 14 April 1781 and entered the following day into British service on the roll of the HMS Orpheus (ADM 36/10099) transcribed at the National Archives in Kew, England by Joseph and Joshua Ross in February 2014.

Peter Grant
James Moyland
John Hambleton
Thomas Wharton
George Griffy
John Steel
David Thomas

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Confederacy Men entered into British Service on HMS Roebuck (April 1781)

List of Men from the “rebel prize Frigate Confederacy” captured on 14 April 1781 and entered that day into British service on the roll of the HMS Roebuck (ADM 36/8644) transcribed at the National Archives in Kew, England by Joseph and Joshua Ross in February 2014. All were entered as able-bodied seamen. Men marked with an * asterisk were subsequently entered on the ship’s book of HMS Chatham on 2 July 1781. Man marked with a + sign was noted runaway at New York on 16 June 1781.

Hy Gillinger
Jno Founds
Jno Mowles
Wm Still
Thos Spencer
Jas Harvey
Andw Edwards
Jas Hall
Jno Effrern
Jno Knight *
John Ross *
Jno Thompson
Alex Reive *
Ro”t Basto
Geo Vanblacken *
Michl Brady
Jas Bethy *
Thos Raydon
Jno Raydon Walker *
Jno Appleby
Phi’p Robson
Jno Rigby *
Wm Potter +
Geo Capstick
Jno Jones *
Cato Black *
Thos Brown *
Wm McGloughlan
Wm Ross
Joseph Nichols *
Thos Vick *
Thos Harris

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