HMS Roebuck Muster Roll of Confederacy Men (April 1781)

List of Officers and Men of the “rebel prize Frigate Confederacy” captured on 14 April 1781 and entered on the roll of the HMS Roebuck (ADM 36/8644) transcribed at the National Archives in Kew, England by Joseph and Joshua Ross in February 2014. All prisoners not otherwise marked were entered on the Prison Ship Jersey at New York on 19 April 1781. Prisoners marked with an * asterisk were entered on the Prison Ship Jersey on 20 April 1781. Prisoners marked with a + sign were paroled at New York on 30 April 1781. Despite the official notation in HMS Roebuck’s Muster Book that Lieutenant Stephen Gregory was paroled, Gregory appears to have been singled out for surreptitious independent punishment, kept in confinement and sent to England.

Patk Sullivan
Gerry Shaw
Jno James
Jno Brady
Geo Robinson
Peter Doyle
Patk Kelly
Danl Finn
Wm Miller
Jno Jones
Jas Emmanuel
Jno Lynton
Jas Vind
Jos Windsor
Peter Hanscourt
Tho Lee
Heny Christian
Jno Hart
Benj Chittington
Pierce Drinkwater
Jno Andrews
Geo Guilchrist
Jno Freeman
Jno Watson (1)
Jno Watson (2)
Wm Allen
Terence Turner
Jno Brian
Richd Halley
Geo Montgomery
Jack Smith
Jas Johnson
Alex Burt
Jose Buffum
Edwd Randall
Jno Buck
Thos Conden
Wm Smith
Peter Durfey
Frans Air
Wm Kennedy
Jos’h Riso
Absm Henricks
Jno Fowler
Thos Smithson
Henry Ditto
Benj Beeby
Chas Brooks
Jno Jones
Thos Lowe
Jos’h Sampson
Jno Spriggs
Rich’d Casey
Jno Bradford
Danl Steedham
Richd Lees
Edwd Wood
Skipper Lunt
Jno Perkins
Patk McAllister
Jon’n Sackell
Jno Davies
Jas Johnson
David Freeman
Wm Johnson
Jno Sackell
Jesse Hunt
Patk Shannon
Car’y Egan
Lewis Evans
Wm Wells
Jas Gordon
Ivory Bastin
Jno Diamond
Robt Conner
Thos Powell
Nellum Wells
Oliver Tucker
Chrisr Morrell
Jno Taylor
Wm Crispin
Natl Rowland
Danl McDonald
Josha Beevy
Christr Watmon
Black Jack (1)
Patrk O’Haran
Jno Green
Dotter Andrew
Jno Mongomery
Jno Barren
Jno Brown
Wm Smith
Jno Jack
Ednd Cleveland
Ebenr Greenock
Chas Robinson
Jas Cummins
Jere Knox
Jos’h Stround
Mattw Craft
Jno Coholon
Jas Ross
Jno Lilling
Josia Hann
Henry Morgan
Robt Sanders
Jas Oldsmith
Wm Doyle
Jas Campbell
Aaron Brooks
Jno Grigg
Edmd Minds
Andw Gordon
Richd Williams
Jas Maxwell
Saml Foote
Staffd Congdon
Thos Collett
Jno Trever
Anty Carner
Jno Williams
Saml Johnson
Jno Parker
Saml Walker
Jno Brian
Frans Burrage
Frans McLane
Jacob Jones
Alex Campbell
Jas Chreighton
Jo Tobin
Phillip Lovitt
Thos Ferdino
Edwd Gilbertson
Jno Gruness
Levi Culve
Henry McGuiness
Jno Akins
Jno Williams
Saml Soloman
Jno Rowley
Ezl Lyons
Thos Carlton
Jas Collins
Wm Grant
Jno Thomas
Wm Raleigh
Thos Hill
Jas Daily
Jno Maxwell
Conr Huffman
Merrt Brown
Thos Foy
Chrisr Scott
Jno Swiney
V A Haynes
Brian Murry
Patk Murphy
Robt Dorslas
Jno Young
Jno London
Britton Chapman
Saml Davies
Mitchell Clements
Arel Moorhouse
Jos Bartrump
Wm Nourse
Thos Edgar
David Natham
Jett LeCerf
James Richards
Benj Hazard
Jesse Brade
Soln Jenkins
Robt Grome
Thos Moor
Jno Robinson
Chas Denieb
Peter Johnson
Wm Godfrie
Jno Rieves
Jas Riley
Turtle Hunter
Jas Haloy
Wm Johnson
Peter Roger
Jno Davison
Jno Gollard
Wm Cassady
Robt Hunt
Wm Nelson
Jas McMichael
Black Jack (2)
Henry Norris
Geo McKenzie
Jas Devereux
Benj Rothors
Jas Morton
Calob McCull
Lewis Cand
Elisa Dalby
Ezl Lotts
Henry Land
Guff Fredk Kyelman
Kellup Culley
Benj Hazard
Jesse Brado
Soln Jenkins
Natl Dawson
Mons. Democaux *
Monsr Wuorbore *
Mons Demoux *
Geo McKenzie *
Robt Warnock *
John Cary *
Saml Deverick *
Henry Norris *
Peter Seville *
Jesse Sip *
Seth Harding Capt +
Simon Gross Lt +
David Phipps Lt +
Stepn Gregory Lt +
Jno Turner Mas +
Saml Holt Capt of Mar +
Gorden Bill Lt of Mar +

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Hopley Yeaton, Lieutenant

Third Lieutenant Hopley Yeaton, born 1739 at New Castle, NH was a leader of the Sons of Liberty at Portsmouth in 1775-76. Yeaton joined the Raleigh on 28 September 1776 and remained on her until her capture exactly two years later. Afterwards, he served on the Continental frigate La Hague or Dean in 1779 and 1780. Yeaton first appears in Portsmouth where he witnessed the will of Nathaniel Sargent on 24 October 1760. Hopley Yeaton married Comfort Marshall (died 29 June 1788), the daughter of George and Thankful (Weeks) Marshall at South Church in Portsmouth on 15 November 1766. Yeaton purchased land in Portsmouth in 1769. The church records show the following baptisms of their children: John on 13 October 1769, Mary on 29 August 1772, Hopley on 20 August 1775, Hopley 16 October 1777, George 4 April 1779, Samuel 5 October 1782, Samuel 24 August 1784. On 26 September 1789, Captain Hopley Yeaton married Elizabeth Gerrish. He was commissioned by President Washington on 21 March 1791 as Captain in the United States revenue cutter service, in command of the cutter Scammel, the first one built. She was stationed at Portsmouth and patrolled the New Hampshire and Maine coasts. It is said Yeaton probably brought along his slave Senegal during patrols as this practice was permitted by the Treasury Department at that time. He helped establish a Masonic Lodge in Eastport and urged the government to build a lighthouse at West Quoddy Head. He resigned from the service on 30 September 1809 at age 70 and settled on a farm in North Lubec, ME where he died on 14 May 1812. In 1975 his burial site was threatened by development and the Coast Guard Corps of Cadets sailed the Barque Eagle to Lubec where his remains were exhumed and removed to Groton. His tombstone reads, “Here lies the first officer commissioned under the Constitution by George Washington into the Revenue Cutter Service which is the forerunner of the modern day Coast Guard.”

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Josiah Shackford, Lieutenant

Second Lieutenant Josiah Shackford (2/7/1745-7/26/1829) of Portsmouth joined the Raleigh on 5 August 1776 and probably remained on board until her capture in 1778. According to British shipping records, Josiah Shackford was master of a number of ships trading in the West Indies immediately prior to the Revolution. In 1772, he commanded the 110 ton ship Middlesex built in Piscatagua in 1769 for owner John Langdon on a cruise to Montserrat. He travelled to St. Christopher’s and Montserrat again in 1772 and 1773 as master of the newly built 200 ton Montserrat Planter for owner John Langdon. Shackford cruised to Nevis in 1775 as captain of the 120 ton ship Marlborough built in Piscatagua the previous year for Woodbury Langdon. After serving on the Raleigh, in 1780 Shackford was master of the New Hampshire privateer ship Diana of ten guns owned by Thomas Martin and George Wentworth of Portsmouth. Shackford married his stepsister Deborah Marshall (d. 16 February 1826) on 21 February 1771. It is said that during one absence at sea, his father Josiah Shackford, Sr. married Madame Eleanor Marshall and moved into the mansion built by her father Nathaniel Mendum on the South side of State Street opposite Mulberry. “When he returned home, he sought the residence of his father. He met Deborah at the door. As soon as he saw her he fell desperately in love, and determined in his mind to make her his wife: but on making a declaration, she refused him, saying she had no heart to bestow, as hers was engaged to another. He however persisted in his suit, declaring she was the one who was raised up before him by an astrologer in Europe, and he should marry her or nobody. She being naturally of an amiable and condescending disposition, like a dutiful child took her parents’ advice and married him.” He sailed ships out of New York for many years. It is said, “He wished his wife to move to New York, but she refused to leave Portsmouth, and for several years she did not hear from him, when he returned suddenly to Portsmouth, put up at the hotel, took tea with his wife, and left the town next morning, never to return.” “In the Essex Journal and New Hampshire Packet of 2 May 1787, we find the following, related by a gentleman at New York, “A Mr. Shackford, sometime since, from Piscataqua, having the misfortune of discontent with his wife, left that place for Surinam. On his arrival there, he left the vessel he first sailed in, and took the command of one for Europe. He performed his voyage and gave such satisfaction to his owners, that they gave him a cutter-built sloop of about 15 tons. With her he returned to Surinam ALONE, after a passage of 35 days. When he arrived, the novelty of the expedition excited unusual surprise, so far as to induce the government to take notice of the fact. Suspicions prevailed of his having dealt unfairly by the people who were supposed to have come out with him. But he produced his papers and journal, and proved his integrity so far to the satisfaction of his examiners, that they permitted him to take another man on board and proceed to St. Bartholomews, where he arrived in safety, and now follows the coasting business from that Island.” We have understood that the place in Europe which he left was Bordeaux, in France. The vessel appears to have been a personal gift to him. He engaged a man to accompany him, who becoming fearful when he put to sea, jumped on board the pilot’s boat, and left Capt. Shackford with no other companion than his dog. He was a man of too stern materials to turn about, so he undertook the voyage of three thousand miles alone.” Moving to Alexandria first in 1802, Shackford “was next heard of in Ohio, where he purchased a large tract of land when that State was almost a wilderness, laid out a township, and in commemoration of the place of his birth called it Portsmouth. He erected mills and stores, and built several houses. He lived alone, excepting a boy, and never would suffer a woman to enter his house, having his washing and sewing sent out and brought home by his boy. His wife, after her mother’s death (at age 91), offered to go and live with him. She wrote him several letters, but received no answer. He wrote to his nephews in Portsmouth, and said if one would come out and settle there, he would make him his heir. The late Samuel Shackford, about forty years ago, went and visited his uncle, but returned, not liking well enough to remove there. At his death he left his property to strangers. He died about forty years since (on 26 July 1829), over 80 years old, living to see his town, so beautifully situated at the junction of the Scioto and Ohio rivers, become a place of note and the chief county town. He was a studious man, intelligent, but of an eccentricity which to some minds bore marks of insanity–but those who recollect him in Ohio will not allow that he was any other than a sane man.” Shackford was a freemason.

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Alphabetical Partial Roll of the Crew of the Frigate Confederacy (Nov 1780)

Alphabetical Partial Roll of the Crew of the Frigate Confederacy (Nov 1780). The Alphabetical Roll of the Crew of the U.S. Frigate Confederacy from Letter of Attorney of Nov. 3, 1780 is derived from the list of 209 officers and men that appears on pages 438 and 439 of “The Era: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Literature and of General Interest “ published by Henry T. Coates & Company (1901). The list was originally transcribed and contributed by William M. Mervine of Philadelphia on 30 April 1901. Although, Mervine does not reference the repository of this crew list clues can be found in another magazine note attributed to Mervine entitled “Sundry Notes from Letters of Attorney Regarding Sailors of the Revolution.” This reference led to the rediscovery of the list on 10 April 2015 by Joseph Ross in Exemplification Book 11 of the early deed books of the City of Philadelphia where a number of powers of attorneys are recorded for individuals and crews of Revolutionary War private armed ships.

Unfortunately, the records do not include sought-after crew lists for either the Continental Navy frigate Randolph or sloop Saratoga, both vessels having originated their cruise at Philadelphia and lost at sea. This particular Letter of Attorney is associated with Nathaniel Richards of New London, CT trading as Richards and Sands, attorneys representing the listed crew. Located in the Philadelphia City Archives at 3101 Market Street, the Confederacy’s crew list can be found at page 317 and following on Roll 6 of the microfilm records. The list has been edited to offer a complete spelling of the abbreviated Christian name and offers alternate spellings of names (in parenthesis) in order to assist internet browsing. The list also includes a full description of quality or rate on the ship only abbreviated in the original.

William McKinley Mervine was a noted Philadelphia genealogist, member of the Lancaster County Historical Society, member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, an officer in the Swedish Colonial Society, a member of Sons of the Revolution of Pennsylvania, Board Manager of the Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania and editor of a number of family histories. Son of William M. Mervine, Esq. of Milton, PA and Elizabeth Shaw King of Philadelphia, William M. Mervine died at the age of forty on 11 October 1914.

John Aitkins. Seaman
Charles Attmore, Boy
William Barbom, Midshipman
Joseph Bartram, Midshipman
Ivory Basset, Marine
Joshua Beebe, Landsman
Benjamin Beyle, Seaman
Gurdon Bill, 2nd Lieutenant of Marines
Cato Black, Marine
John Bowlin, Barber
John Brady, Marine
Michael Brady, Seaman
Jesse Brew (Breed), Volunteer
James Brien, Seaman
John Brian, Landsman
John Brian, Marine
Aaron Brooks, Marine
Charles Brooks, Seaman
John Brown, Boy
Marrit (Merrit) Brown, Seaman
Thomas Brown, Marine
John Bucks, Seaman
Joshua Buffum, Seaman
Francis Burridge, Landsman
Alexander Burt, Landsman
James Campbell, Boy
William Cannady, Marine
Thomas Carleton, Landsman
John Carroll, Marine
John Cary, Boy
William Cassady, Marine
Brittan Chapman, Midshipman
Elnathan Chaspilla, Marine
Henry Christy, Sergeant of Marines
Edward Cleaveland, Landsman
Samuel Coal, Marine
John Coffin, Boy
John Cohanting, Marine
Thomas Collet, Marine
Samuel Collins, Marine
James Collings, Master’s Mate
John Conally, Marine
Philip Connel, Marine
Robert Connor, Boy
Philip Cornay, Marine
James Creighton, Marine
William Crispin, Carpenter’s Crew
Levy Culon (Culver), Marine
James Daily, Marine
Samuel Davis, Acting Surgeon’s Mate
Thomas Davis, Boy
Eleazor Derby, Gunner
James Devean, Boy
Poat Doan, Seaman
Nathan Dorsey, Surgeon
Robert Douglas, Master-at-Arms
Ebenezer Downs, Marine
Peter Doyle, Landsman
Asa Dursey, Boy
Thomas Eagan. Volunteer
James Emanuel, Seaman
Anthony Eskett, Marine
Lewis Evans, Carpenter’s Mate
John Freeman, Marine
Jonah Frisbie (Prisbie), Master’s Mate
James Gallard, Cook
Edward Gilbertson, Landsman
William Glankland, Seaman
Francis Glaughland, Marine
William E. Godfrey, Gunner’s Yeoman
Andrew Gordon, Marine
James Gordon, Marine
Abel Gore, Master’s Mate
John Gournass. Seaman
William Gout, Marine
Mathias Graff, Boatman
Ebenezer Greenough, Seaman
Stephen Gregory, 3rd Lieutenant
George Griffett, Seaman
Simon Gross, 1st Lieutenant
John Haley, Landsman
William Hamilton, Boy
Josiah Hand, Marine
Seth Harding, Commander
Joseph Hardy, Captain of Marines
John Hart, Seaman
George Haughton, Landsman
Peter Haynes, Drummer
Thomas Haynyton, Seaman
Benjamin Haszard, Volunteer
Conrad Hoffman, Marine
Samuel Holt, 1st Lieutenant of Marines
Jesse Hunt, Landsman
T. (Turtle) Hunter, Seaman
John Jack, Seaman
Robert Jackson, Gunner’s Mate
John James, Seaman
Jacob Johns, Landsman
Joseph Johnson (Johnston), Quartermaster
Samuel Johnson (Johnston), Gunner
John Jones #1, Seaman
John Jones #2, Seaman
Theo. Jurinson, Marine
Richard Keen, Boatswain’s Mate
Peter Kelly, Seaman
John Knight, Seaman
Jedidiah Knox, Seaman
Garwin Kolly, Boatswain’s Mate
Samuel Laboghom (Laboyteaux), Midshipman
Francis Lain, Marine
John Lally, Landsman
Charles Land, Sergeant of Marines
Henry Land, Surgeon’s Mate
David Latham, Volunteer
John Lawrence, Captain’s Clerk
Caleb Ledyard, Volunteer
Richard Lee, Marine
Ezekiel Letts, Cabin Steward
John Linton, Seaman
Ezekiel Littleside, Coxswain
Philip Loud, Seaman
Ezekiel Lyons, Cooper
John Maning (Manning), Marine
James Martin, Boatswain
James Maxwell, Marine
John Maxwell, Steward’s Mate
James McCawen, Seaman
Patrick McCollister, Marine
Daniel McDonald, Landsman
Henry McGinnis, Landsman
Titus Mendo, Landsman
George Montgomery, Marine
John Montgomery, Seaman
Thomas Moore, Carpenter
Rich (Rial) Moorehouse, Midshipman
Potter Morris, Boy
James Moylan, Seaman
John Mullins, Landsman
Patrick Murfey, Marine
Brian Murphy (Murphey), Carpenter’s Crew
Cale Myers, Marine
Jack Negro, Boy
William Neil, Seaman
Henry Norris, Boy
Robert Norris, Marine
William Nourse (Nourte), Midshipman
Patrick O‘Harra, Marine
John Parker, Seaman
Israel Phillips, Marine
David Phipps, 2nd Lieutenant
Thomas Pilkington, Seaman
James Pim (Pine), Seaman
Thomas Powell, Seaman
Benjamin Ramstraw (Ramshaw), Seaman
Edward Randall, Landsman
Lawley Randall, Master’s 2nd Mate
James Richards, Acting Midshipman
John Rigby, Seaman
Joseph Rigow, Boy
John Riley, Marine
Philip Riley, Marine
George Robertson, Seaman
John Robertson, Steward
Q. Robertson, Marine
James Ross, Seaman
John Ross, Seaman
Benjamin Rothrock, Armourer
Patrick Roulan, Marine
John Royer (Roger), Master’s Mate
John Sachell, Boy
Samuel Salmon, Seaman
William Sandwich, Marine
Christopher Scott, Seaman
Patrick Shannon, Carpenter’s Crew
Daniel Shellinger, Volunteer
William Shle, Landsman
John Shover, Marine
Jesse Sipe, Boy
Jack Smith, Marine
John Smith, Mariner
William Smith, Marine
Thomas Spencer, Barber
John Srider, Landsman
William Stanley, Marine
John Steel, Seaman
William Steward, Carpenter’s Crew
John Sweney, Marine
John Tanner, Sailing Master
John Taylor. Landsman
Jacob Tobin, Seaman
David Thomas, Seaman
John Trevor, Seaman
John Tomson, Seaman
Frederick Trumel, Seaman
Samuel Walker, Quartermaster
Robert Warnick, Boy
Bassoll Warrin, Marine
John Whatson, Seaman
Lloyd Wharton, Acting Midshipman
Thomas Wharton, Seaman
Conrad Wilkins, Boy
John Wilkins, Seaman
John Williams, Marine
William Wills, Carpenter’s Crew
Edward Wood, Boy
Thomas Woods, Marine
John Young, Midshipman
Thomas Young, Seaman
Henry Younger, Marine

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Alphabetical List of 278 Officers and Men of the Frigate Confederacy captured on 14 April 1781

The Alphabetical List of 278 Officers and Men of the Frigate Confederacy captured on 14 April 1781 is derived from the rolls of the HMS Orpheus (ADM 36/10099) and HMS Roebuck (ADM 36/8644), as well as the Jersey Prison Ship (ADM 36/9578) transcribed at the National Archives in Kew, England by Joseph and Joshua Ross in February 2014. The list has been edited to offer a complete spelling of the abbreviated Christian name and includes various derivations of names in brackets from entries in all three British vessels, as well as other sources. The list has also been annotated to include rate or quality if known in parenthesis. Rate and qualities are largely taken from a crew list of frigate Confederacy dated 3 November 1780 contributed by William M. Irvine of Philadelphia and published on pages 438-9 of “The Era: An Illustrated Monthly Magazine of Literature and of General Interest” (1901). According to Captain Seth Harding’s testimony in the Confederacy Prize Court Records (HCA 32/298) taken on 23 April 1781, the 942-ton 36-gun frigate Confederacy was carrying 290 officers and men along with six passengers when captured by the Roebuck and Orpheus under the command of Andrew Snape Douglas and John Colpoys respectively. Captain Harding testified that his crew was partly recruited at Philadelphia and partly at Cape Francois which explains all deviations in the crew list recorded in November 1780 to April 1781. Harding further testified that the vessel was loaded with a cargo of dry goods, sugar, coffee, tea and other merchandize shipped by “Mr. Lawrence Agent for the Congress at Cape Francois for and on Account of the United States of America, except [for] some Private Adventures belonging to the officers of the said Frigate.” His final admission to the Prize Court was “that he destroyed several Papers after the said Frigate struck to his Majesty’s said ships.” Interestingly, one of two documents confiscated in the capture and still remaining in the British National Archives collection is Seth Harding’s original commission as Captain in the Continental Navy dated at Philadelphia on 25 September 1778.

Francis Ayre
John Aikens [Akins, Aitkins] (Seaman)
William Allen
Dotter Andrews
Jonathan Andrews
John Appleby (Seaman)
John Barren
Joseph Bartrum [Bartram, Bartrump, Bertram] (Midshipman)
Ivory Basset [Bassett, Bastin] Marine
Robert Basto (Seaman)
Benjamin Beebe [Beeby, Bevey]
Joshua Beebe [Beevy, Beevey] (Landsman)
James Bethy (Seaman)
Gordon [Gurdon] Bill (Lieutenant of Marines)
Cato Black (Marine)
John Bogart
Jesse Brade [Breed] (Midshipman)
John Bradford
John Brady (Marine)
Michael Brady (Seaman)
James Bryan [Brien] Seaman
John Bryan #1 [Brian] (Landsman)
John Bryan #2 [Brian] (Marine)
Aaron Brooks (Marine)
Charles Brooks (Seaman)
John Brown (Boy)
Merrit Brown (Seaman)
Thomas Brown (Marine)
Thomas Brown (Seaman)
John Buck [Bucks] (Seaman)
Francis Burrage [Burridge] (Landsman)
Alexander Burch [Burt] (Landsman)
Joshua Buffum (Seaman)
Alexander Campbell
James Campbell (Boy)
Lewis Kale [Kail]
George Capstick (Seaman)
Thomas Carleton [Carlton] (Landsman)
Anthony Carner [Carney]
John Cary [Carey] (Boy)
Richard Casey
William Cassady [Cassidy] (Marine)
Britton Chapman (Midshipman)
Benjamin Chittington
Henry Christie [Christy, Christian] (Surgeon’s Mate)
Mitchell [Ignatius M.] Clements
Edward Cleveland [Cleaveland] (Landsman)
John Cohollon [Cohauling, Cohanting] (Marine)
Thomas Collett (Marine)
James Collins [Collings] (Steward’s Mate)
Thomas Condon [Conden]
Stafford Condon [Congdon]
Robert Connor (Boy)
Mathias Craft [Boatswain]
James Creighton [Chreighton, Craton] (Marine)
William Crispin (Carpenter’s Crew)
Levi Culver [Culve, Culvi] (Marine)
James Cummins [Cowins, McCowan, McCawen] (Seaman)
James Dailey [Daily] (Marine)
Christian Daniel
Eleazor Darby [Elisa Dalby, Dolby] (Gunner)
John Davis [Davies]
Samuel Davies [Davies] (Acting Surgeon’s Mate)
John Davidson [Davison]
Nathaniel Dawson
Mons. Democaux
Mons. Demoux
Charles Denieb
James Devereux [Devericks, Deverix] (Boy)
Samuel [John] Deverick
John Diamond
Henry Ditto [Dittoe]
Nathan Dorsey (Surgeon)
Robert Douglas [Douglass] (Master-at-Arms)
Peter Doyle (Landsman)
William Doyle
Pierce Drinkwater
David Dumerou
Peter Durfey
Thomas Edgar
Andrew Edwards (Seaman)
John Effrern (Seaman)
Caraway Egan [Hagan]
James Emanuel [Emmanuel] (Seaman)
Lewis Evans (Carpenter’s Mate)
Thomas Ferdino [Vandivo]
Daniel [Dennis] Finn
Samuel Foote
John Founds (Seaman)
John Fowler
Thomas Foy [Foye]
David Freeman
John Freeman (Marine)
Edward Gilbertson (Landsman)
Henry Gillinger (Seaman)
William Godfrey [Godfrie] (Gunner’s Yeoman)
John Gallard [Gollard, Gullard] Cook
Andrew Gordon (Marine)
James Gordon (Marine)
Peter Grant
William Grant
John Green
Ebenezer Greenough [Grenough, Greenock] (Seaman)
Stephen Gregory (3rd Lieutenant)
George Griffy (Seaman)
John Grigg
Robert Grome
Simon Gross (1st Lieutenant)
John Gruness [Grunness, Garnass, Gournass] (Seaman)
George Gilchrist [Guilchrist]
James Hall (Seaman)
Richard Halley
John Haley (Landsman)
John Hamilton [Hambleton]
Josiah Hand (Marine)
Peter Hanscourt [Howcourt]
Seth Harding (Captain)
Thomas Harris (Boy)
John Hart (Seaman)
James Harvey (Seaman)
Peter Hayes [Haynes, Heynes] (Drummer)
Charles Hatmore
Benjamin Hazard (Volunteer)
Absalom Hendricks [Henricks]
Thomas Hill
Samuel Holt (Captain of Marines)
Conrad Hoffman [Huffman, Hoofman] (Marine)
Jesse Hunt (Landsman)
Robert Hunt
Turtle Hunter (Seaman)
Black Jack #1 [Jack Negro] (Boy)
Black Jack #2
John Jack (Seaman)
John James (Seaman)
Solomon Jenkins
James Johnson #1 [Johnston]
James Johnson #2 [Johnston]
Peter Johnson [Johnston]
Samuel Johnson [Johnston] (Gunner)
William Johnson #1 [Johnston] (Seaman)
William Johnson #2 [Johnston]
Jacob Jones [Johns] (Landsman)
John Jones #1 (Seaman)
John Jones #2 (Seaman)
John Jones #3
Patrick [Peter] Kelly (Seaman)
William Kennedy
John Knight (Seaman)
Jeremiah [Jedidiah] Knox (Seaman)
Gustaf Frederick Kjellman [Kyelman]
Charles Land (Marine)
Henry Land (Surgeon’s Mate)
David Latham (Volunteer)
Jacque LeCerfe
Thomas Lee
Richard Lee (Marine)
John Lilling
John London
Ezekiel Lotts [Letts] (Cabin Steward)
Philip Lovitt [Lowett]
Thomas Lowe
Skipper Lunt
John Linton [Lynton] (Seaman)
Ezekiel Lyons (Cooper)
Edmund Mando [Titus Mendo] (Landsman)
James Maxwell (Marine)
John Maxwell (Steward’s Mate)
Patrick McAllister [McCaslaster, McCollister] (Marine)
Caleb McCulley [Caleph McCollough]
Daniel McDonald (Landsman)
William McGloughlan [McGlaughlin] (Seaman)
Henry McGuiness [McGuinness, McGinnis] (Landsman)
George McKenzie [McKinzie]
Francis McLane [McLain, McClean] (Marine)
James McMichael [McMickle]
John Merrell
Jacob Miller
William Miller (Seaman)
George Montgomery (Marine)
John Montgomery (Seaman)
James Moore
Thomas Moore (Carpenter)
Ariah Morehouse [Rial Mourehouse, Moorhouse] (Midshipman)
Henry Morgan
Christopher Morrell [or Warrell]
James Morton (Boatswain)
John Mowles (Seaman)
James Moyland (Seaman)
Patrick Murphy [Murfey] (Marine)
Brian Murray [Murry, Murphy] (Carpenter’s Crew)
Keile Myres [Cale Myers, Mires] (Marine)
William Nelson
Joseph Nichols (Seaman)
Henry Norris (Boy)
William Nourse (Midshipman)
Patrick O’Hara [O’Harra] (Marine)
James [John] Oldsmith
John Parker (Seaman)
Jonathan Perkins
David Phipps (2nd Lieutenant)
James Pine (Seaman)
Louis Pinot
William Potter (Seaman)
Thomas Powell (Seaman)
William Raleigh
Edward Randall (Landsman)
Thomas Raydon (Seaman)
James Richards (Acting Midshipman)
James Reiley [Riley]
Philip Riley [Reiley] (Marine)
Alexander Rieve (Seaman)
John Rieves [Reives]
John Rigby (Seaman)
Joseph Rigo [Rigou, Rigow] (Boy)
Charles Robertson [Robinson]
George Robertson [Robinson] (Seaman)
John Robertson [Robinson] (Steward)
Philip Robson (Seaman)
John [Peter] Roger
James Ross (Seaman)
John Ross (Seaman)
William Ross (Seaman)
Benjamin Rothrock [Rothors, Rotters] (Armorer)
Patrick Rowland [Rowlin]
John Rowley [Rowly]
John Sachell [Satchell] (Boy)
Jonathan Sachell [Satchell] (Coxswain, Quartermaster)
Joseph Sampson
Robert Saunders [Sanders]
Christopher Scott (Seaman)
Peter Seville [Leville]
Patrick Shannon (Carpenter’s Crew)
Jeremiah Shaw
Jesse Sipp (Boy)
Jack [John] Smith (Marine)
William Smith #1 (Marine)
William Smith #2
Thomas Smithson
Samuel Salmon [Soloman] (Seaman)
Thomas Spencer (Barber)
Joshua Spriggs
William Stanley [Stanly] (Marine)
Daniel Stedham
John Steel (Seaman)
William Still (Seaman)
Joseph Stroud
Patrick Sullivan
John Sweeney [Sweney, Swiney] (Marine)
John Tanner [Turner] (Sailing Master)
John Taylor (Landsman)
David Thomas (Seaman)
John Thomas
John Thompson (Seaman)
Joseph [Jacob] Tobin (Seaman)
John Trevor [Trever] (Seaman)
John Truman
Oliver Tucker
Terence Turner [Terime Tweney]
George Vanblacken (Seaman)
Thomas Vick (Seaman)
John Raydon Walker (Seaman)
Samuel Walker (Quartermaster)
Robert Warnick [Warnock] (Boy)
Christopher Watmon
John Watson #1 [Whatson] (Seaman)
John Watson #2
Nellum Wells
William Wells [Wills] (Carpenter’s Crew)
Lloyd Wharton (Acting Midshipman)
Thomas Wharton (Seaman)
Felix Wibert
John Williams #1 (Marine)
John Williams #2
Richard Williams
Joseph Windsor
Edward Wood (Boy)
Mons. Wuorbore
John Young (Midshipman)

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